Monday, August 8, 2022

Raising Godly Children In This Wicked World

If you're a parent, you know this fight is real. Children are without a doubt a blessing from God, and we have the task of teaching them about God, Jesus and how to live according to God's principles. We are entrusted with their education and well-being, both physically and spiritually. Unfortunately, as the gap between godly and worldly values ​​​​widens, raising godly children can seem like an increasingly difficult challenge.

What can you do to protect your children in a world whose priorities are far from the Word of God? How can you protect them from the enemy who wants to use this world's system to steal, kill and destroy their future? How do you teach them to choose the way of God and not the way of the world?

Here Are Some Tips To Help You Raise Godly Children In A Godless World:

1. Protect Their Minds:
We live in a media-centric society and there is practically no way around it. So what can we do to protect children's minds from being inundated with messages that could hamper their spiritual development?

2. Be Attentive To Your Social Networks:
No need to block social networking sites. However, it is important that we are aware of the increasingly violent and vulgar things that children are exposed to on social networks. To help, see if sites have parental controls to prevent exposing children to inappropriate themes and images. At a minimum, we should monitor who our children are interacting with online and what they are viewing by reviewing their account history.

3. Monitor Movies And Video Games:
The Bible is very clear about filling our minds with good things. Philippians 4: 8 (NKJV) tells us: “Finally, brothers, think about everything that is true, about everything honest, about everything just, about everything pure, about everything lovely, about everything that is worthy of praise; if there is any virtue in it, if there is anything to admire, think of it.'

We have to carefully monitor the movies and video games our children watch. Before deciding the suitability of a movie or game based on its rating, consider checking out the broad ratings on the internet, they will give you a suggested age range for specific movies and games, as well as a detailed summary of the content, including the content. language, violence and sex scenes.

4. Protect Your Child's Spirit:
Protecting your child's spirit begins at home. The stronger your children's foundation of principles, the easier it will be for them to trust their own values ​​and beliefs. You are probably familiar with Proverbs 22:6 (ESV). This writing is a basic principle of child development that may be every parent's best resource. "Teach the child to faithfully follow his path from her, and even if he grows old he will not depart from it."

5. Time With God In The Mornings:
Start the day with the Word of God. Find a devotional that is appropriate for your child and read it together over breakfast. Speak positive words throughout the day and determine to approach every situation with faith.

6. Time With God At Night:
Most of us have a nightly prayer ritual with our children, to thank God for the day and have a restful night. But consider making this a reflection of morning time with God as well. Review your child's day with them. Ask if they had any situations with friends or teachers, and how they handled it. If you feel it didn't go well, discuss together a better way to handle those situations in the future.

7. Role-Playing Game:
Sometimes it is helpful to resolve a situation before facing it. If you're giving a presentation at work, for example, you can rehearse in front of the mirror the night before. A similar approach is very useful for children. Ask your children what kinds of negative situations they think they might encounter at school, in the neighborhood, or at church. For example, they might tell you about another child who encourages them to do something they know is wrong. Do a role play with them. Be the other child and allow your child to recognize how he would respond to her in a situation like that.

8. Keep Them Busy:
Sometimes the best way to limit the influences of a world system that permeates everything our children see and hear is to simply keep them busy. This doesn't mean overloading them and dragging them from one lesson or activity to another, but it does mean making sure they have more to occupy their time than just social media and texting.

9. Sports
Physical activity is great for your child's health and a natural antidepressant. There are usually a large number of sports organizations sponsored by the city. You may even want to check your town to see if there are any Christian sports leagues.

10. Family Activities
When everyone is home, are they each in a separate room, doing their own thing? Consider scheduling a regular family game night. When everyone is playing together, it's a good time to talk informally about topics that may seem too intimidating for direct, face-to-face conversation.

11. Family Meals
It's understandable that many of us are busy with the hustle and bustle of life, but studies show that children who have dinner with their parents at least three times a week develop stronger relationships with them. If dining together often seems like an impossible task, start with one or two nights a week and work your way up from there. Every little bit counts.

Raising godly children may seem like a monumental task, but remember, you have the help of the best parent there is: God! Keep his Word before your eyes and confess it with your mouth every day. Stand firm in faith, believing that He has equipped you with everything you need to help them become mature, godly, and responsible adults who will build and promote the kingdom of God.

Reasons Why You Should Raise Godly Children

If you are a Godly husband or Godly wife, you must raise Godly children. Many parents, including Christian parents, think that raising a child is about bringing them to Church after providing all the basic comforts the child needs. Well, raising Godly children goes beyond taking them to Church. Eli's sons grew up in the temple, and yet they were not Godly.

The moment you lose conscience as a parent, the enemy is not far from inflicting evil on the heart of your little one. It is because the heart of a small child is fragile. It can allow the manipulation of the devil. The book of Proverbs 22:6 instructs a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Raising godly children is our duty as parents to children and our commitment to God. Being a Pastor does not make your children Godly. It requires a constant effort to achieve it. Eli was a priest, but his sons wallow in sin and iniquity. He was so busy with his priesthood duty that he did not see fit to reprimand his sons when the need arose. The successful existence of our children affects our moral and spiritual behavior and our alertness. The devil cannot be allowed to take over the minds of his children from him.

You need to raise godly children. Hope this article awakens the sleeping Christians father and mother within you and make amendments when necessary.

Reasons Why You Should Raise Godly Children:

1. Because God Ordained It:
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~Proverbs 22:6 

First, before anything else, the reason why you should strive to raise your children in the way of the Lord is that God ordained it. God is no stranger to the damage he harbors in the mind of a little one when he is not cared for properly. That is why God instructed that children be brought up in the way of the Lord so that when they grow up, they will not depart from him.

That is why the Scripture warns that they are trained in the way they must follow so that when they grow up, they do not stray from it.

2. Because His Destiny Depends On Him:
God is the author of everyone's destiny. You must do your part as parents, not ruin your children's destiny as parents. Eli was from the lineage of Leviticus. His family of him was born to be priests of the Lord. Eli, because he was well educated by his father, rose to the position of the priesthood. However, after Eli became a priest, he was so busy that he refused to raise his children in the way of the Lord.

Eli's sons would steal from the offerings that the people have given for the sacrifice. They sleep with different women. And while this was going on, people would tell him about the vile act perpetrated by Eli's sons, and yet he would do nothing about it. The wrath of the Lord seized the sons of Eli; they mysteriously died. The news of Eli's death was too much for him. The scripture records that Eli died, breaking his neck and choking on vomit.

Because Eli relented in raising his sons in a godly way, God declared that Eli and their homes are separated from His favor.

3. So They Can Give You Rest:
Correct your son, and he will give you rest; Yes, he will give delight to your soul. ~Proverbs 29:17 

Most likely, you are tormented by the mistake of not raising your children in the way of the Lord. A child raised in a pious way will fear God and will do everything that God commanded, including obeying his parents. However, a child whose upbringing is deprived of mercy will do almost anything.

When you are old and your strength fails, your work with the children will determine whether or not you will find rest before death. We have seen quite a few cases of children hitting their elderly parents. We have cases of children who have gotten their parents into one problem or another. In fact, the Scripture was not wrong when it commanded that children be brought up in the way of the Lord so that they might give their parents rest.

4. So That The Enemy Does Not Win The Soul:
After all your efforts here on earth, it will be an epic failure if you allow the devil to win the soul of your children. The scripture says in the book of 1 Peter 5: 8, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

The devil walks day and night looking for someone to devour. He would not devour them by eating his flesh from him. He will devour them, destroy their justice and make them a more useful tool for themselves. However, this can be avoided by making a conscious effort to raise a child in the way of the Lord.

5. So That They Can Be Useful To God:
And the child Samuel grew in stature, and in favor with the LORD and men. ~1 Samuel 2:26 

The main purpose of our existence as humans is to serve God, although we have other divine purposes to fulfill on earth. Samuel was dedicated to the things of the Lord by his mother, Hannah. So Samuel grew up in the temple of the Lord, serving under Eli the priest.

When children are raised in the way of the Lord, they are not only valuable to the parents; they become a powerful tools in the hands of God.

In conclusion, godly parenting is very important in the life of any child. He must make sure to play his part in it today as a father.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Advice To Men About Their Pregnant Wives

I am a man, but today I want us to discuss about Pregnancy.

Do you know that certain things you do when your wife is pregnant actually contribute to the state of health of the mother and unborn child?

Listen, it bothers me a lot when I see men showing no concern for their pregnant wives or failing to adjust to some temporary changes!

It's just 9 months, not like it's forever. Pregnancy is not bought in the market, nor is it software downloaded from the internet. It's a seed planted by us men and is germinating. There has to be a carrier of that seed while it grows, and women have been given the responsibility to carry it.

Pregnancy is preparation to welcome a new member into the family. Pregnancy is a journey fun-filled, amazing, etc.

Women differ in body changes. Although Pregnancy makes women do certain things in common.

■ Once in a while she would nag.

■ Once in a while she would request things unimaginable food e.g she wants to eat Lady Finger and Bread.

■ Once in a while she would get so lazy to make you your meals.

■ Once in a while she would want to stretch her legs on your lap. Please pardon her! Carrying the baby ain't easy.

Her needs may be unsatisfiable at times.

The first Trimester of the journey can be so annoying. Like I say women differ from each other during pregnancy.

● While most women are busy vomiting.

● Most of them sleep like water leaves. They sleep off anywhere with the slightest chance even in the kitchen.

● While most women have a fever.

● Most women be looking cranky and dry like Dustin powder.

● While most women add up weight.

Please tolerate this, it's beautiful afterward.

Her attitude becomes annoying, most times you can't stand her. It's so sad to see men neglect their pregnant wives. She's not an abomination, and neither is she a curse. I must say, it's not an easy journey for all.

The last Trimester is when we need to be extra patient, loving, enduring, and understanding.


1) Always observe your wife's feet while pregnant, it swells often. Please give her a basin of water to soak her leg once in a while, it's one of the best treats women enjoy during pregnancy.

2) Ask her regularly how she feels and how the baby is. She's the carrier so she feels him/her move.

3) Tell her how beautiful she looks during pregnancy e.g " Honey see as the pregnancy makes you fine, I will be impregnating you every month ooo" or even "is it my child that makes you fresh like this past normal" Even if she has grown bigger in size cause of the pregnancy, celebrate her.

4) Don't be upset if she ever wakes you up by 2am to help massage her feet. We need to feel a little of her discomfort and pain. She shouldn't carry it alone, it's our baby, we need to carry it together. (I don't mean physical carriage though).

5) No rule book stopped sex during pregnancy, in short, it's the best self.... do it. It's not like the vagina stopped working during pregnancy. o boy continues the work that brings the pregnancy.

6) Don't be ashamed to take her out. Take her out once in a while to those lovie dovie places you used to go together. They love it!

Most times I wonder what crosses the heart of men when they see their pregnant wives. Carrying a child for 9 months isn't easy.

I urge all men to get closer to their spouses during pregnancy because that's one of the times she needs you most.

A big shout out to all men who fully stand by their wives during pregnancy. 

God bless you all the women after delivery!

Ask forgiveness from your husband for been with you at the time of need because is not easy.

When You Can't Hit Your Kids

Children Of Today Don't Even Know That In Our Days You Could Be Beaten For Any Of The Following Reasons:

1. Crying too long after being beaten.

2. Not crying after being beaten.

3. Crying without being beaten.

4. Standing where elders are sitting.

5. Sitting while elders are standing.

6. Walking around aimlessly where elders are seated.

7. Eating food prepared for visitors.

8. Refusing to eat.

9. Coming back home after sunset.

10. Eating at the neighbor's home.

11. Generally being too moody.

12. Generally being too excited.

13. Losing a fight with an older age mate.

14. Winning a fight with your age mate. 

15. Eating too slowly.

16. Eating too quickly.

17. Eating too much.

18. Not finishing your food.

19. Finishing your food and scraping your plate.

20. Eating and talking.

21. Sleeping while the elders in the house have already woken up.

22. Looking at the visitors while they are eating.

23. Stumbling and falling when walking.

24. Looking at an elder eye ball to eye ball.

25. When an elder is talking to you and you blink.

26. When an elder is talking to you and you stare and do not blink.

27. When you look at an elder through the corner of your eye.

28. When your mates are playing street football and you join them. 

29. When your mates are playing and you don’t join them.

30. When you don't wash your dish after eating.

31. When you wash your dish improperly. 

32. When you almost break your dish.

33. When you break your dish.

34. When you bite your nails.

34.When you don't bath. 

35. When you bathe too quickly. 

36. When you take too long to bath. 

37. When you’re beaten in school for misbehaving. 

38. When a car almost knocks you down.

39. When a car knocks you down and you don’t die.

40. For not answering when spoken to.

41. For answering back when spoken to.

42 Beaten for going to Church or Mosque late.

43. Beaten for borrowing shoes from friends.

44. Giving salt or needle to neighbors without their permission.

Some of these reasons for beating a child may appear farfetched today but they sure did happen and they were the norms that shaped a Child to grow in a responsible manner.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Moms: Appreciate Them When Their Little

We don’t appreciate the years of little kids while we’re in them.⁣⁣
Because humans never do until it's too late and they're gone.⁣⁣
While we're in it, we often wish parts of it away,⁣⁣
The hardly any time to ourselves,⁣⁣
The crawling across the floor to put away puzzles and crayons,⁣⁣
The peeling off stickers,⁣⁣
And scraping muffins and scrambled eggs off the kitchen floor.⁣⁣
We wish away the tantrums,⁣⁣
The constant fighting,⁣⁣
The bad behavior,⁣⁣
The non-stop laundry,⁣⁣
And the exhaustion ALL THE TIME.⁣⁣
We wish away every imperfect moment that makes our skin crawl.⁣⁣
But one day, it will be over⁣⁣
And we’ll miss it—⁣
We’ll miss the giggles,⁣⁣
The smiles,⁣⁣
The “not wiped off” kisses,⁣⁣
And chubby arms and toothless grins.⁣⁣
We’ll miss being needed,⁣⁣
The crooked teeth,⁣⁣
The time spent together,⁣⁣
And hearing “mommy look!” every two minutes.⁣⁣
We’ll miss who we are RIGHT NOW as individuals and a family.⁣⁣
Because soon new people will be living in our house with us. Their faces and voices will morph into someone else’s.⁣⁣
And they’ll keep changing.⁣⁣
And we’ll be new people, too.⁣⁣
So, let’s try to take in ALL OF IT—⁣⁣
the bad, hard, and the good—⁣⁣
and not take any of it for granted.⁣⁣
Because I guarantee,⁣⁣
One day soon,⁣⁣
We’ll miss THIS.⁣

Art: Amanda Oleander 

How To Make Your Husband Love You

1. Call him by a pet name

2. Allow him to exercise his authority as the head of the family.

3. Do not challenge him when he is hurt.

4. Be silent when he is angry. You can go back to him in his sober moment with apology and explain why you behave that way that annoyed him.

5. Be quick to say "I'm sorry dear" whenever you offend him, insist on his forgiveness, and appreciate and kiss him when he does.

6. Speak good of him before his friends and siblings.

7. Honor his mother

8. Insist that he buys gifts for his parents and so be sure that he will do the same for your parents

9. Surprise him with his favorite dish especially when he has no money at hand and never delays his food.

10. Do not allow the maid to serve him food when you are at home. Because you may lose him to her.

11. Give him a warm reception with an embrace when he returns, collect his luggage and help undress him.

12. Smile when you look at him and give him occasional pecks when you are out socially.

13. Praise him before your children sometimes.

14. Wash his back while he is in the tub or shower.

15. Put a love note in his lunch box or briefcase.

16. Phone and tell him that you miss him.

17. Dial his number and on hearing "hello" just tell him I love you.

18. If he is a public figure or a politician, gently wake him in the early hours of the morning and romance him to the point of demand. He will not be enticed by any other woman that day.

19. Tell him how lucky you are to have him as your husband.

20. Give him a hug for no reason.

21. Appreciate God for the Adam of your life.

22. Always remember to pray for him.

23. Pray together and also pray together before going to bed in the evening...

May God bless your Marriage. Singles may you experience true love today and forever!

May non-serious people that will waste your time be disconnected in your life In Jesus' Name.

The Sex You Must Not Have

1. You must never agree to have sex with a married man no matter what he promises or professes. Never!

2. Never agree to have sex with your boss. If the harassment becomes too much, resign and trust God for a better job.

3. If God put people under your care to mentor or Pastor, it is better you die than to have sex with them. Never take advantage of God's people no matter what.

4. Don't have sex with a married woman. If you are getting too much attached via chatting, official or academic rapport, break up the closeness or whatever name you have for it.

5. Never have sex with your lecturers. Sex for grades or marks is for nonentity. You are not. Never must you be.

6. If you are a marketer, never agree to sleep with a prospective client just to meet your official target. Never!  

7. Don't have sex with your in-laws. If he or she stays with you and you are finding it difficult to resist the pull, let him or her leave. I mean the latest tomorrow.

8. Don't have sex with your neighbor or colleague. A neighbor is a neighbor. A colleague is a colleague. Don't get your life more complicated.

9. Don't have sex with your platonic friend. If the relationship is no longer platonic, break up thing.

10. I believe God created sex to be between male and female. Stay away from having sex with your same gender. God is against homosexuality and so should you. 

11. Don't have sex with your sibling or relatives. Incest is vile.

12. Don't have sex with your girlfriend. Don't have sex with your boyfriend. God did not create sex for love relationships. He created it for MARRIAGE.

The only sex you should have is with your Legally Wedded Partner.

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