Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Signs Of Immaturity In Marriage For Men

1. Rejecting Food When There's An Issue:
Mr husband, you gave your wife money for food and after it was prepared you refused to eat because you are angry. It's one of the greatest signs of immaturity, it's time to grow up! You should not even abandon your home for any reason. You could go somewhere when angry but ensure that you don't allow it to linger unnecessarily because that is enough for the devil to build on even though some women can be really troublesome.

2. Telling Your Wife Severally That You Are The Head:
May I let you know that even when your wife disobeys /disrespects you she still knows that you are the head? You need not shout or scream it daily. Or do we need to get you a slot on CNN? It's important for you to know when and how to be firm and put your feet down over issues, however, don't become a nagging husband just to prove that you are the head.

3. Issuing Threats: 
beating, verbally abusing your wife, issuing threats of divorce, or bragging about marrying another wife does not make you a man. An EMPTY barrel makes the loudest noise. Your strength is in your ability to tame your tongue and control your fist. When she is acting her "childish woman" part, plays the "matured man."

4. Reporting Your Wife To Friends And Family: 
When your wife offends you, correct and talk things through. You don't have to tell everyone about her mistakes, that will paint her black and sell her cheap such that you will not be able to redeem her back. By the way, are you a reporter answering my question?

5. Keeping Malice: 
is it not funny to know that some men keep malice? Some of them even nag, criticize, abuse, and call their wife's names in public. It may make you look like a "big boy" who's in control but you are not going to gain anything good from it, your home will only be a den of insults and confrontations.

6. Not Helping With House Chores: 
I must say here that it is the sole responsibility of a woman to tend and manage a home when she chooses to be a full-time housewife. However, it's not a bad thing if a man lends a helping hand when necessary. Watching football with a newspaper in your hand every evening, not caring how stressful the house chores are will only increase the pressure on your wife and if you truly care you'll help, just checking on her while busy could encourage and soothe her, this also makes you a good example to the kids, especially the boys. Some men don't even say "thank You" to their wives after eating, all they do is compare her with other women. It's a shame that after having 3-4 kids some men cannot change a simple diaper or prepare cereal meals; a big shame.

My Point?
A REAL man is a pillar of support to his wife, not a hole of depression.

Sorry if I offend anyone with this post but that’s it. Thanks. 

By the way, I hope there is little sense in this post .!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

13 Sentences You Should Never Tell Your Husband

If your intention is to challenge him to be better, these are not the words to use. These words make him feel undermined and belittled.

Don't provoke him. Don't test him. Don't put you and him in a situation where you both say or do ugly things.

Even if you think he is accommodating his mother too much, saying this makes him feel you are attacking his mother. His mom will always be his mom. Find a way of honoring his mother as you pull him closer to you to build as a couple. Correct him without insulting his relationship with his mother. 

4. "F*CK YOU"
Curse words communicate disrespect. Hold your tongue. 

This, similar to "Grow some balls" makes him feel you see him as a boy. You can inspire him to greatness without making him feel you are looking down on him.

This communicates you are gossiping about him and you value more what others say about him than the man you personally know him to be.

In moments of anger, don't speak words that sow seeds of doubt in him. Communicate your disappointment in his specific actions without putting into question what you two have built all this time. 

Don't mock his sexual performance in bed yet want the same man and the same penis to satisfy you in the future. Men make love with their heart and their ego. When you praise the little he does right to please you, he will seek to do more to pleasure you.

Don't compare him with other men. He is unique. Speak to his individual identity.

Don't mock his intellect, especially if you have a more formal education than him. You get nothing positive out of bringing a man down. Remember there was a time you used to admire him, speak to that man in him.

Don't make him feel useless or his position undermined. He will withdraw and pull away. When a man feels unappreciated, he puts in little effort. 

Why become his worst critic? These are not words that should come out of a life partner.

Why hit him below the belt. If you are done with him, leave him for good; instead of remaining in the marriage, praying for the marriage yet inside the marriage, you are attacking him.

Lady, your biggest ammunition is your tongue. Your biggest encouragement to your husband, are your words and tone.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

6-Yr-Old Saves Dad From Dying

In Maine, a girl has become a celebrity after saving the life of her father, who lost consciousness while accompanying the minor and her four-year-old brother.

It all happened on the morning of April 12. That day, Kyle had come home from working all night and was feeling a little dizzy. "I was having a hard time breathing," said the father in conversation with the local news.

According to him, his girl, Macie, had told him that she missed him very much and that she did not want to go to school. Seeing her so convinced, she was allowed to stay at home.

After a while, Kyle went down to the basement to rest while the children played, but for a moment he felt bad and started screaming for help.

Macie, hearing this, walked over and when she saw her father come to her, she asked him to unlock his phone. Quickly, she logged into Google and typed in "Eliot's Police", which led to the local station's contact number and a call symbol, which she pressed.

So, he connected with an assistant and gave her all the information necessary to help him reach his home.

An ambulance arrived and, after several days at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, where he required four liters of oxygen to stabilize, Kyle was able to recover.

"Simply unbelievable. Simply amazing all around. I am very lucky, obviously because of my daughter and my son and the response (from the police). It was fast," said the father.

Elliot Moya, Eliot Police Chief, said “She knew everything. She was amazing. Macie potentially saved a life,” the police official stated.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

20 Kinds Of Women You Should Never Consider Marriage With

1. Control Freak 
This is the wrongest person you'll want to spend the rest of your life with. This woman is dominant and wants to have everything her way. She acts like a superior and makes most of the decisions in the relationship. She picks the movies, orders the meal even without your consent, and solves all the puzzles. Sometimes you can't help but wonder if you exist at all in the equation. 

2. Materialistic/Money Freak 
She is more like a subtle robber, always demanding money for even the slightest thing. This kind of girl prefers fast food to homemade food because she probably does not know how to cook or does not want to be inconvenienced. She lets you fend for all her needs and does not support the relationship financially. 

3. Girlie Lady 
She still thinks she is 16 and expects everything to fall on her lap. She coaxes you into celebrating her birthday and makes sure all her friends are around to see how far her party beats theirs. She has lots of female besties and you just have to manage the little time she sneaks out for you from all her BFFs. 

4. The User 
No guy wants to come across this kind of girl. She actually wants to be with your best friend but sees you as the gate pass. She gets close to you, makes you fall for her, and just when you feel like you've found the one, boom! She hitches on your friends and makes you history. 

5. The Born Star 
You are a big loser and she is the star. Marrying the most popular lady in town when you are not the most popular guy in town does not always turn out well. It's sometimes good to boost your ego but it really bites. It's her and her all the way. You have no identity whatsoever, and instead of being called Mr. Right, you are called Miss Right's boyfriend. 

6. Comparison Expert 
She can not stay a day without talking about her ex and how he would have reacted to the situation at hand. You are trying to put forth your best foot out to prove you can be a great companion but she always thinks you don't match up to her expectations. 

7. The Insecure Woman 
We all struggle with insecurities, but some people are more driven by them than others. But this lady would do anything to keep you or chase the other ladies away. This can come out in a variety of other ways if she is constantly talking negatively about herself or fishing for compliments or overly flirtatious with every guy she meets. She does all these things just to feel confident. 

8. Miss Jealous 
Jealousy is somehow related to being insecure but not all insecure women are jealous. Pretty miss jealous hates all your female friends and anyone who tries to cut into your time with her. She can go all the way to break your friendship with your friends so she can have you more to herself. She wants all the attention to herself and would not give you breathing space. 

9. The One-Way-Street Woman 
This woman thinks that somehow, relationships are all about her. She may even wrongly believe this is a "biblical" approach to relationships. In other words, she expects you to take on the sort of leadership role that leaves her without much of a role to play at all - or even an identity to call her own - the opposite of a born star. The sad part is that sometimes this mentality is wrongly perpetuated in some church circles, as the men are expected to be the "leaders" while the women are the "followers." 

10. Possessed Demon 
This lady's mood swings change as fast as the clock's hand stays on each time. She picks up a fight every time your female friend's number starts flashing on your mobile. She keeps track of your call records and text messages to make sure you are not communicating with any other girl. She wouldn't even introduce her best friends to you. She obviously has a familiar spirit. 

11. Deceptive Look 
What you see at night is not what you get in the morning. She looks as innocent as your niece's Barbie doll and you think she is the most beautiful woman in Nigeria until you see her early in the morning. After all her body modifications have been removed, the real person looks like a scarecrow. Don't be deceived she will only look worse than that in a couple of months. 

12. Complaint Box 
Everything is not just right, even if she can't explain why she doesn't like the way things are, she loves to hate you. She's forever cribbing about how you are doing everything wrong. She finds fault with all that you have done and has no appreciation for anything you have done. What this does to you is way beyond making you lose your confidence and self-respect, it kills your ego in the long run if you marry her. 

13. The Unconnected Woman 
Every man needs a woman who will pour into them, as much as they pour into her, and no one wants a liability. This woman doesn't really have a life outside of her romantic relationships. She never wants to spend time apart, and everything about her is about you. Run my dear for your dear life because she might end up strangling you with her choked-up love. 

14. Emotional Fool 
You just met her and she is already talking about babies with you. Run, she wants to get hitched by all means. She's very emotionally attached to you and cries at any slightest hurt coming from you. She traps you emotionally and there's no way out after marriage, so the best thing is not to marry her instead. 

15. Feminist 
She was born to empower, enlighten and save women from the chauvinistic men on earth, including you. Her talks begin and end with 'how all men are the same and how women are the better sex.' This biased lady obviously has no respect for you even as her boyfriend or fiance. So to be on the safer side of the boat, It's better not to marry someone who will put you under her feet. 

16. Promiscuous Lover 
This lady is a girlfriend material by day and a call girl at night. She takes pride in double dating without letting any of the men know. She is not ashamed of the kind of life they live and their BBF definitely covers up for her so it's hard to catch her cheating. Would you want a cheating girl for a wife? 

17. The 'You Complete Me' Woman 
This is the kind of woman who hasn't really taken the time to know herself, her beliefs, or what she thinks. She feels with you her life is complete and every other thing will fall into place once she says 'I Do' to you. She'll likely default to your preferences, your beliefs, your relationship with God, and even your interests and friend groups. While this may seem to make life easy at first, the lack of mystery and depth will wear you down, because a healthy relationship involves two unique identities and by the time she begins to find herself later in life, you might not like the transformation in personality. 

18. The Way Too Critical Woman (NAG) 
I think this is the worst of all the women you could date. According to proverbs, a woman like this is like the sound of a leak dripping: constant, annoying, and problematic. And just like a leak, this woman will drain you. She'll leave you questioning your value, your significance, and your worth. You'll never feel appreciated under the constant cloud of criticism. And the worst part is that she doesn't say her opinion in a quiet way, she repeats the same thing over and over again and sometimes in a loud voice. 

19. The Wishy-Washy Woman 
A woman like this will take your heart on quite a ride because she doesn't really know what she wants. One moment she's into you, and the other moment she's confused and wants to take a step back. This internal struggle is not going to be resolved any time soon, so do yourself a favor and find someone who's just as into you as you are into them. Healthy relationships are marked by peace, not by constant doubt and later regrets. 

20. The Micromanaging Woman 
This one will try to control your entire life. She'll have an opinion about how you should spend your money, chew your food, iron your clothes, and maybe even how you should change your personality. The thing about this woman is that she's a control freak but worse than the normal freaks you probably have met before. This habit takes a lot of time, introspection, and work to outgrow. So step away from this relationship, and give her the time she needs to heal, learn and grow. Or marry her and stay doomed for the rest of your adult life. 

5 Types Of Men You Should Never Consider Marriage With

1. A Man Who Still Adores His Ex 
This man professes love to you 24/7 but he still creates time for his EX in the disguise of 'just friends. He hasn't really gotten over her and he keeps comparing you with her at the slightest chance he gets. He can never truly love you like he claims because he still has remnants of her in his system and this will continue even after he marries you, so don't even say yes to him until you are sure he is emotionally detoxified. 

2. A Perfectionist 
This is not just about him being meticulous about everything like his clothes, food, house, and properties. It extends to how he feels about you. A perfectionist would always try to make you perfect, and if it is not working, he would wonder if you are the perfect woman for him or if there is someone out there who perfectly fits into his dream woman. These kinds of men are just not worthy of your attention or commitment. 

3. A Relationship Novice 
Marrying a guy who has never dated anyone before you is a whole lot of work as compared to the one who had several girlfriends before settling down. He would know practically nothing about handling a woman or dealing with a relationship. So get ready to sail the ship if you must marry him. On the other hand, you must question the fact that he has been single all the while, it could be a trap or he might be hiding something from you. 

4. An Abusive Man 
Nigerian ladies know better on this one, but a number of them still walk down the altar with an abusive man. Whether physical or emotional, you do not have to put up with an abusive man, you deserve better. Once you notice that trait in him while dating, look for the nearest exit and start plotting your escape map. Statistics show that it starts with one slap and continues till it gets to a stab and then murder. Girlfriend, be wise and secure your future by letting him go, a better man will come around sooner than you think. 

5. A Rebel 
It's confusing how most ladies get attracted to gangsters and bad boys. There's just something mysterious and romantic about marrying a militant or a Boko Haram member - he appears to offer you security with his razz personality, but the truth is that a societal rebel will also rebel in his marriage and worse - produce rebellious kids. There are more responsible men out there, a rebel is not worth your love. 

6. A Narcissist 
Narcissus was an ancient Greek mythological figure who was so beautiful that he fell in love with himself, but because he couldn't leave his own reflection in the water, he eventually drowned. A person who is a narcissist is so convinced of their own greatness that they don't see their weaknesses. Marrying a narcissist is a very one-sided relationship. They're always trying to flaunt their own greatness often at the expense of others. The marriage will usually be all about him and with time you will become invisible. 

7. A Control Freak 
Everybody likes to have things their own way. Unfortunately, because men are socialized to express hostility and anger when they don't get what they want, a man who is a control freak can often become intimidating and even abusive - physically or mentally. Run for your dear life, you don't need to be controlled by a freak. 

8. A Cheat 
There is this myth most women have that when a cheating man gets married he stops cheating. Well, the reverse is the case because he will only get better in the act. It is a bad idea to consider such a man for marriage. Cheats hardly change who they are, no matter how many times they promise they will. 

9. A Mummy's Boy 
Having a man who cares for his mum is adorable, but when he begins to worship her, his wife-to-be is in for a long thing. This kind of man can not do a thing without consulting his beloved mother. She practically tells him to jump and all he does is ask 'high how?' So you better get used to hearing, "My mom doesn't do it that way," as well as get used to his mother being your marriage counselor, too. 

10. A Pretty Guy 
When you choose to marry not just a handsome man but a pretty one, just get ready for regular drooling from all the girls in your neighborhood. This kind of man is also very body conscious and might be the one ordering the latest Aaron lip balm and the latest J'Io perfume. You would have a lot to put up with if you consider this kind of man for marriage. 

11. A Pushover 
As mentioned before, everybody likes to have their own way. So when you find a guy who lets you do whatever you want and doesn't complain about it, you want to grab him up. But after a while, you'll find yourself making all the decisions. And then you'll find yourself complaining because he doesn't pull his own weight. 

12. The Manly Man 
This guy talks about sports, beer, and hunting all the time. He doesn't help out in the kitchen and would not help out with changing diapers as well. He is also not romantic and is likely to forget Valentine's Day or your wedding anniversary. Don't get it wrong, he shouldn't be weak or too strong - the average is the best. 

13. The Fitness Freak 
Who doesn't want a guy with well-chiseled abs and nice arms? But a man who spends quality time in the gym will have no time for his family - it's all about how great he looks in his shirts. Don't forget that his hot body will also attract a lot of attention from girls and even married women. 

14. A Commitment-Phobe 
Just like there are some women who have issues with committing to anything, we also have men who are this way. If he is afraid of a commitment then it is no use convincing him that committing to a marriage is a good idea. And if he finally decides to knuckle down and commit, watch out for loopholes - he might not be as committed as he says he is. If he used to be a commitment-phobe, he may still be. 

15. A Dishonest Man 
He is a liar, a deceiver, and has no integrity. Two things will happen if you marry such a man - you will start lying like him and will give birth to kids with worse characters. Eventually, all these will lead to heartbreak. 

16. The Addict 
If you suspect he might be an alcohol, cigarette, drugs, sex, etc addict, then it is better to save yourself future pain and unhappiness by looking for someone else. Dating an addict automatically puts you and your family in second place and also at risk of abuse. 

17. A Nag 
Who says men don't nag? Well, you haven't met this kind of man, and pray you never do. A male nag is even worse than its female counterpart because he nags and vents his anger on everyone in the house. You don't want to be around when he is exhibiting this trait. 

18. The I-Know-More-Than-You 
It's a good thing to marry a man with brains but be careful if you don't have half the kind of brain that he has or his brains. He will always tell you that he knows more than you, you are just a woman - what do you know. Considering marriage with this kind of man will involve your self-esteem being battered at every point, even when you are right and he is wrong. Remember, nothing is more annoying than being told you are wrong when you know you are right. 

19. A Stingy Man 
A man who finds it difficult to be generous with his material possessions, even when he has more than enough to share, might not be the best family man. Marriage involves a lot of sharing and if he is too self-obsessed to see the needs of someone else, that union would end up being one-sided. 

20. A Polygamist 
Most men believe in polygamy, although some who grew up in such homes will not want a repeat experience. However, if he says he would love to have a second wife while he is still dating you, the truth is, he is openly saying he would cheat on you. You might be lucky not to have a mate, but you will surely have many rivals who he will be cheating with. If he is unfaithful during courtship he will be during the marriage. 

21. An Unambitious Man 
If a guy is older than 35 and he is still unsure about what his dream job is, or is not currently working or looking for a job, you better question that. Nigerian men like to settle their careers before proposing, don't forget that, yours shouldn't be different. A man is the leader of his family and should know where he is headed, in order to lead right. 

22. An Insecure Man 
Trust is very important in a relationship and even more crucial in a marriage. If he is always suspicious of every single person that comes close to you, then think twice about making him your life partner. A marriage would not last long if one partner consistently suspects the other of being unfaithful. 

23. A Disrespectful Man 
A man who is disrespectful to you or even everyone, in general, would not make a good husband. Respect is very important in every relationship and if you constantly feel disrespected, then it certainly would not lead to a happy home. 

24. The Boss Man 
Only an insecure man would boss you around. He wants to know where you are at every time and who you are speaking with on the phone. He can even go as far as confirming you are in a said place, and if you are not, all hell would be let loose. You don't need this kind ... simply move on. 

25. A Secretive Man 
Men are generally known to talk less than women and as such can keep secrets from their spouses for a very long time. Not to forget also that it takes a lot of energy to conceal something from someone you claim to love. A man who is very secretive may develop a wicked heart over time, and you don't need to be shocked by the bad news of what he did five years ago. This kind of man can have a kid outside, and make sure you never get to know about it. He may even be into an illegal business and you will only know when the police come for both of you. If he is not willing to share some heart-to-heart issues with you, especially about his past and present, do not consider walking down the altar with him. 

10 Signs He's The Wrong Guy For You

1. You Can't Seem To Introduce Him To Your Friends And Family:
This may be because he doesn't want to or keeps making excuses when you set up a date with your friends or family. Or, this may be because you feel like you don't want to introduce him yet.

These two reasons are early signs that you're dating the wrong guy. If you can't introduce him to the people you love, for whatever reason, then the relationship probably won't last.
2. He Doesn't Listen To You:
Having someone who listens to you is very important in making a relationship work. Having your needs understood, acknowledged, and acted upon is essential.
If he doesn't listen to you, there's no point in continuing the relationship. Even small things, like telling him about your day, is important, as it makes the relationship stronger.
3. He Wants Your Time 24/7:
If you're dating someone who is too clingy, then you should start thinking about getting out.
If you feel like you can't breathe in the relationship, or that he depends on you too much for too many things, then delaying the inevitable will just hurt you both.
4. You Can't Seem To Show Your Real Self:
If you're dating someone and you have this nagging feeling that you need to act like someone else, then you must do something.
Either start being yourself and see if he stays, or just end it right there. No relationship is worth having to wear a mask
5. You Don't Have The Same Interests:
This doesn't mean that he should like everything you like, and vice versa, but you should at least have some similar interests.

If you have absolutely nothing in common, then there is no common ground for you to start building a relationship from.

6. Spending Time With Him Is Exhausting:
If you find yourself emotionally or mentally drained after a date with him, then you may need to think about ending it.

If this goes on even after a few dates, then you should know that being exhausted from someone is not a good thing in a relationship.

7. You Can't Have Difficult Conversations With Him:
By definition, difficult conversations are not easy, nor enjoyable to go through. But, these are things that need to be talked about and addressed.
If he doesn't want to have these conversations with you, then he's not emotionally ready for a long-term relationship.

8. He Is Too Self-centered:
If he only thinks about himself and does things that are self-serving but not good for your relationship, then accept the fact that it will not work.
A relationship is about two people working things out together and doing things for each other. If he only focuses on himself, then you should stop dating him.
9. You Feel Like You're Not Good Enough When You're With Him:
If he makes you feel like you're not good enough in any way, get out fast. We all have our insecurities, and you don't need someone to make you feel even more insecure.
Being in a relationship means that you are with someone who empowers you, not someone who makes you feel worse.

10. You Can't See A Future With Him:
If you can't even imagine this, then it's not going to happen. Your future is the very thing you're working toward. If you can't see him in your future, then drop him.

Don't compromise the rest of your life and end up with someone who isn't good for you.

Dust yourself off and go and get the right man. You deserve someone who is your best friend.

10 Tips To A Successful Relationships

1. Never dig into the past. Be mindful in present with your partner.


2. Understand everyone is imperfect. You just need to be happy that you have got the right one.

3. Don't restrict. Be open-minded. Have trust in each other.

4. Never let communication fade, especially during a long-distance relationship.

5. Don't always talk about sex.

6. Adjust a little, and be mature, when needed.

7. Don't lie about anything.

8. Communicate and sort out.

9. Don't intentionally make ur partner feel jealous...don't joke with their emotions it's not good.

10. Always stay loyal, it's not difficult.

5 Types Of Men To Avoid

1. The Control Freak:
While this one should be obvious, often times the “control freak” type can be disguised in the beginning of a relationship as someone who just, pays a lot of attention

Eventually, though, you will begin to feel a little more closed-in and unable to make your own decisions. Additionally, the decisions you do make could feel judged or looked down upon. This is in an effort to mold you into the person he/she wants you to be in order to obtain a role of “power” in the relationship.

Relationships aren’t about power or control – they are about cooperation and collaboration. For this reason, a man or woman who is a control freak is unable to build a healthy relationship with an equal and should be avoided.

2. The Constant Complainer:
Dating an eternal pessimist is akin to trying to go for a swim with an anchor tied to your ankle. There is a difference between two people balancing each other out, and one who drags another down emotionally.

To try to build a relationship with someone who is always complaining or seeing the negative side of things will be increasingly difficult over time because their attitude will begin to rub off on you (if you let it), and while you may not become as negative, you could easily stop always trying to see the silver lining of a situation because they will keep shooting you down.

3. The Silly Putty Man:
Most of you probably remember Silly Putty. It was a super flexible substance that you could do whatever you wanted with. You could even pull it so hard that it separated apart, but then you could just put it back together again and continue to mold it.

Sure, it was fun to play with, but it wasn’t your significant other. Flexibility and compromise in a relationship are important, but so is having your own opinions and point of view.

4. The Center Of The Universe:
The opposite of Silly Putty is that hardened Play-Doh stuff. Remember that stuff? When it would get hard it would have no flexibility at all – it would just stay the way it is and break apart if you tried to do anything with it.

So it goes with someone who is so self-absorbed that everything needs to revolve around them, requiring them to do essentially nothing but be catered to. We should never want to change our partner, but their willingness to be flexible and compromise is essential to ensuring the happiness of both teammates in a relationship.

5. The Narcissist:
A few of these previous qualities could fall under the umbrella of narcissism, but recognizing it for as a self-standing diagnosis is ultra-important.

Individuals with this disorder exhibit a lack of ability to empathize with others and an inflated sense of self-importance which does not bode well for a healthy relationship.

5 Types Of Women You Should Never Marry

If you are looking for a lifelong commitment with a woman, make sure you make your choices wisely. The first thing to do is to find out if the woman has any of these five traits. If yes, you should rethink.

1. The One Who Lies Often:
If your date or girlfriend consistently lies about things, then you should think 10 times before you decide to get married to her. You don’t want to be in a marriage where you are constantly being lied to.

2. The Materialistic One:
Well, there is nothing wrong with liking materialistic things. However, if a girl is with you only because you shower her with gifts, then maybe it is time you think about where you want to take the relationship to. If your girl constantly talks about getting her gifts, shopping for her, taking her out to fancy dinners, and not being available when you need her emotionally, then this is the type of woman you should not marry.

3. The Disrespectful One:
Take your girl out for a date and just notice how she behaves with the hotel staff and other people. If she disrespects them, then in the future she will disrespect you as well. You want to marry a woman who respects you, your family, and your friends. So, before you make your choice, ensure that she is not disrespectful towards people or things you like.

4. The Insecure One:
An insecure woman can make your life a living hell. She will make little things seem big and complicated. She will call and text you incessantly just to figure out what you are up to. An insecure woman won’t appreciate you having friends of the opposite sex. Also, you cannot expect trust in a relationship like this. So it is advisable not to marry an insecure woman.

5. The One Who Is Always Bitter
Do you know the kind of women who get angry at the silliest things, the ones who can’t take jokes and snap now and then? A man should stay away from women like these. Maybe there is a reason why she is behaving that way, like a bad past or something else. However, it is difficult to cope with a bitter woman.

If you are looking for a lifelong commitment with the girl of your dreams, ensure that she has none of the above-mentioned characteristics.

Private Bedroom Matters For Spouses

1. My spouse, you know I love to kiss. So please be brushing your teeth well including your tongue. Bad breath discourages kissing.

2. My wife, you know I love licking your clit. So please be having a wash regularly. Wash your vagina so that my tongue enjoys playing around it.

3. My husband, you know I love sucking your penis so please keep it clean. Change your underwear daily, shake off the urine after you pee, and keep my lollipop clean. Good hygiene=great blowjobs.

4. My wife, you know I have eyes for only you. So please help my eyes to enjoy looking at you. Dress sexy for me. In our bedroom, wear lingerie or stay naked with me. Don't hide from me the body I long for.

5. My husband, I love cuddling with you. So please don't be repeating your socks, that will make the air stink. Change your socks daily. I hate smelly feet.

6. My wife, I know periods are a female thing. So when you are rolling, maintain your hygiene. Change your pads or tampons regularly, take showers, and change your underwear. As I cuddle up with you during that time of the month, keep the stench away.

7. My husband, I love it when you make love to me with you on top. So please shower, and make use of your deodorant and cologne during the day so that when you are pumping inside me I don't smell your sweat.

8. My wife, I love holding you close and I know weaves as a hairstyle look good on you. So please be changing your weaves often, make sure you buy quality weaves that are easy to maintain because weaves that stink are a major turn-off.

9. My husband, I love it when you make me squirt and we make the sheets wet. So since we wet the bed together, I would find it sweet of you if you clean the sheets with me, or put a cover under me when you are about to explode my wetness so that we don't sleep on wet and cold sheets.

10. My husband, I love it when you finger me during foreplay. So please keep your fingernails short and clean. Long fingernails can hurt my wet and sensitive honey pot.

11. My spouse, my body is all yours, when you're horny I will do you good. So please don't share your body with another, and don't bring unfaithfulness or diseases to our bed.

~Akello Oliech and Dayan Masinde

Sunday, November 6, 2022

How To Wake Up Your Woman

There are many ways to love her..

1. KISS HER ON THE FOREHEAD when the alarm rings and she struggles to wake up

2. RUB AND SENSUALLY TOUCH her thighs, hips, back, nipples; so that she wakes up aroused. She loves being turned on by her husband for morning glory

3. OCCASIONALLY PREPARE BREAKFAST IN BED. Let her wake up to being pampered. Surprise her once in a while

4. STARE AT HER WHEN HER EYES ARE ABOUT TO OPEN. She loves it when your loving eyes are the first thing she sees

5. PRAY FOR HER FIRST THING WHEN SHE WAKES UP. Then kiss her lips to say "Amen"

6. LET HER WAKE UP TO YOUR HOLD, YOUR EMBRACE as you have a calm and intimate conversation with her. Sometimes a woman wants a quiet morning

7. LET HER WAKE UP TO THE VIEW OF YOUR CARRYING YOUR CHILD, giving her a break; especially when she stayed up till late looking after your child

8. GO INSIDE UNDER THE COVERS AND LICK HER BETWEEN HER LEGS; especially when you two sleep naked. She loves it when her husband makes her wet in the morning, then make love to start the day with passion

9. CALL HER OR TEXT HER A SWEET LOVING MESSAGE, words of blessing; if you two wake up far from each other. Distance shouldn't be an excuse not to start her day with a smile

10. KISS HER SKIN, FINGERS AND PARTS OF HER BODY as you tell her how beautiful she looks, how proud you are she is yours, how amazing she is, how she is going to have a great day. Tell her she is still the one, even in this new day

The woman determines the mood of the house, the mood of the woman is dependent on how her husband treats her first thing in the morning. When a man makes his woman feel special, he is actually looking after his own interest and home. A loved up woman, governs the home with love, she loves good in return. She glows through out the day. Start the day right.

~John Nazzy.

When Another Woman Is Getting Your Husband's Attention

You need to get up as wife and break that flow. I didn't say fight, accuse him of affair, scatter everywhere or warn him, I said, break the flow...the growing bond between them.

Sometimes people wait till it is too late before thinking of forestalling an impending danger.

If your husband keeps praising a particular woman whether friend, colleague, mentor, mentee, Pastor's wife, counsellor, etc., you need to find out what she is doing to him, give him double and phase her out of his life. Call it competition, YES.

If he praises her dressing, he is attracted to her dressing, you must consciously step up the way you dress, if it is the time and attention she gives him, you have to spend more time with him and give him extra attention, if it is her cooking skill, you need to step up, if it is the admiration and respect she shows him, you need to do more.

People go where their needs are met. Men go where their needs are met.

If you don't meet his needs and another woman does so, he will bond without even knowing why! Not everyone carries their Two legs to go look for affair. Affair sometimes happen to love starved men and women!

Break the bond between them consciously, prayerfully, wisely and quietly. Warning him to desist from such women is the last thing to do if every other method didn't work.
Men will do well to tell their wives their needs and teach her to meet them before they reach their breaking point.

Once you notice a man is giving you excessive attention as a woman, you need to move back so he can concentrate on his marriage.

A counselee once told me I was giving him the attention his wife ought to because I often check up on him online and ask how he is fairing. The moment I heard that, I reduced the conversation and  requested both he and his wife should come for counselling.

I told a man experiencing some financial set back he could get his fortune back if he aimed high, believe and talk like a rich man. He changed his mindset and speech. He told me his wife made jest of him and doused his fire! I encouraged him more, the wife doused the fire more! I stopped encouraging and faced my business as he seemed to want to spend more time with me and even liked my hair! I never encouraged him again. If the wife couldn't do it, it's none of my business.

Don't tempt the devil to tempt you! Stay off anyone showing you the affection, attention and love you need to get from your spouse.

Touching Story - Father Decided To Re-Marry

Touching Story! 😓😪

An 8-year-old boy lost his mum. He was so sad and depressed. A year after his Mum's demise, his father decided to re-marry.

One day, the boy's father called him and asked, "Is there any difference between your mother and and your step-mother?"

The boy answered, "Yes." His dad then asked him, "What's the difference?" The boy innocently replied, "My mother used to lie to me but my step mother doesn't."

His Father was surprised, he asked, "What do you mean? "The boy then replied, "When I go to my friends house, I usually play rough, my mum would tell me not to play rough or else she won't give me food. When my mum sees that I wasn't at home at the expected time, she would leave whatever she was doing and come to meet me wherever I was. She would then take me home and give me food. But my stepmother always keeps to her word. I have been hungry for the past two days. I MISS MY MUM.

No one can take the place of a mother. May our Mothers live to eat the fruit of their labor.

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