Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Moms: Appreciate Them When Their Little

We don’t appreciate the years of little kids while we’re in them.⁣⁣
Because humans never do until it's too late and they're gone.⁣⁣
While we're in it, we often wish parts of it away,⁣⁣
The hardly any time to ourselves,⁣⁣
The crawling across the floor to put away puzzles and crayons,⁣⁣
The peeling off stickers,⁣⁣
And scraping muffins and scrambled eggs off the kitchen floor.⁣⁣
We wish away the tantrums,⁣⁣
The constant fighting,⁣⁣
The bad behavior,⁣⁣
The non-stop laundry,⁣⁣
And the exhaustion ALL THE TIME.⁣⁣
We wish away every imperfect moment that makes our skin crawl.⁣⁣
But one day, it will be over⁣⁣
And we’ll miss it—⁣
We’ll miss the giggles,⁣⁣
The smiles,⁣⁣
The “not wiped off” kisses,⁣⁣
And chubby arms and toothless grins.⁣⁣
We’ll miss being needed,⁣⁣
The crooked teeth,⁣⁣
The time spent together,⁣⁣
And hearing “mommy look!” every two minutes.⁣⁣
We’ll miss who we are RIGHT NOW as individuals and a family.⁣⁣
Because soon new people will be living in our house with us. Their faces and voices will morph into someone else’s.⁣⁣
And they’ll keep changing.⁣⁣
And we’ll be new people, too.⁣⁣
So, let’s try to take in ALL OF IT—⁣⁣
the bad, hard, and the good—⁣⁣
and not take any of it for granted.⁣⁣
Because I guarantee,⁣⁣
One day soon,⁣⁣
We’ll miss THIS.⁣

Art: Amanda Oleander 

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