Thursday, December 29, 2022

Most Common Arguments Between Couples

1. Most Common Discussions After The Initial Crush
The initial crush has already passed, and after about a year and a half, discussions begin to appear. It seems that there are a lot of discussions and, although it is true that these discussions exist, what makes them seem so many is the contrast with the phase of falling in love, so placid. It is normal for different types of couple discussions to appear, such as the following:

2. Discussions Due To Jealousy In The Couple
One of the most common is arguments due to jealousy (by friends, by ex-partners...) and the best way to prevent this from happening is to talk about it openly in the cold. The discussion should be allowed to pass and, with goodwill on both sides, explain what fear each one feels, analyze between them whether it is founded or not, try to find solutions, etc. In matters of jealousy, the person who suffers from them is the one who must solve their self-esteem problem, but it is interesting that the other party helps them and shows goodwill.

3. Discussions On Social Networks
Also related to the above, there are discussions about the use of social networks: comments to other people, photographs that are displayed, etc. Here it is important to make it clear that everyone has their own space in which they are free to act as they wish. But we must not forget that, depending on the "agreement" between the two, there are actions that can upset the couple. It's about calibrating and choosing. That is, a person is free to compliment another on a social network; Depending on whether the couple has a tacit agreement not to do this or not, the person must decide if they do it knowing that it may upset their partner, stop doing it, try to convince them that there is nothing wrong with it, etc. The fundamental thing, as in everything, is to speak it openly and coldly.

4. Discussions About How We Dress
Sometimes discussions also arise because of the way of dressing: sometimes some clothing is considered excessively provocative, other times another way of dressing is considered careless... How to avoid this? Basically, we must communicate what our own tastes are and listen to what the other person wants to contribute to us. If what it tells us makes sense to us and we want to incorporate it, we can modify our clothing somewhat. If it doesn't make sense, the other person will have to compromise and not try to change us. Throughout this entire stage, many aspects are put to the test and as a result, the courtship continues or is interrupted.

5. Most Common Discussions In The Stages Of Coexistence And Self-affirmation
Later in the relationship, it is possible to ask questions such as " why do I argue so much with my partner " and think that couple arguments are frequent. In this advanced stage of a relationship, discussions about the most important aspects of coexistence and day-to-day life with our partner appear:

6. Discussions About In-laws
Discussions about relations with the in-laws are one of the most common. In these cases, it is important to establish to what extent each one is going to be involved with their in-laws and establish limits. It is necessary not to meddle too much in the affairs of the in-laws if this does not affect us directly and can harm our partner, and we must not let them meddle in our affairs either. It is a delicate matter, but with kindness and firmness, we can not be annoyed or offended or be annoyed or offended. And, if this does not happen, we will not argue with our partner.

7. Housework
Another usual discussion is the well-known one of the distribution of domestic tasks. This is solvable with a talk with written conclusions. Tasks are divided and assigned according to each house because each work situation and couple is different. Once established, it must be fulfilled and the discussion is over! Showing goodwill by doing what the other person hates the most, if it is not also our case, is a good step.

8. The Time We Spend With Friends
A discussion that, depending on the couple, could be in almost any phase, is that of going out with friends. Some people do not take this well at all and it becomes a problem. It is important to have your own space and be able to do what you want as long as you do not disrespect your partner, so this should simply be made clear. Whether it's going out, doing yoga, or playing soccer, whether it's done with friends or alone, you have the right to your own space and it's healthy. That the couple also does it is just as healthy for both one and the other.

If you wonder how to avoid a discussion of this type, the answer is easy: the solution to avoid it is to speak coldly and ask what problems our partner has to bother to maintain their own space. In general, he usually responds to self-esteem problems that, coincidentally, he improves by doing various activities alone and in a group.

9. Arguments Over Money
A discussion that usually appears in this phase is about money. It can be for many reasons: because one earns more than the other (it generally bothers the man that the woman earns more), because one spends common money without consulting, because of how common money is managed, etc. As the solution to almost everything, the most important thing is to make everyone's position clear from the beginning, at a time when there is no anger, and defend our idea, negotiating what is reasonable to reach an agreement.

These are the most common arguments between couples, but if you have a partner, you will know that living together is an inexhaustible source of arguments. Remember, always be honest and talk about everything coldly.

How To Reconcile With Your Partner After An Infidelity

If you want to reconcile with your partner after infidelity, without a doubt this is a problem that can be more complicated to solve than the previous ones, since a sincere relationship is something basic and with this gesture, trust is broken.

Even if you try to follow some of the advice mentioned above, if you have not first made sure that your partner has truly forgiven you for infidelity, it is most likely that nothing will work for you, you will always feel insecurity, distrust, jealousy, etc. 

For this reason, the first thing to do in these cases is, after confessing to infidelity and sincerely asking for forgiveness, give your partner the necessary space to process what happened and decide what to do on their part. If he decides that he forgives you for the infidelity and that he wants to move on, then you can start following the tips explained at the beginning.

In any case, remember that even if you have asked for forgiveness, infidelity is usually a wound that costs more to close and that is why you have to be patient, as well as respect each other's space and wishes until you can finally give up. sincere reconciliation. 

Thus, if you both want to save the relationship and put everything on your side, you can.

How To Reconcile With Your Partner After A Separation

Arguments and fights can be more or less frequent in a couple, but what is clear is that nobody likes them and they leave bad feelings, damaging the relationship. The reasons why you start arguing or fighting in a relationship can be the most varied, and it may even start with nonsense and end up talking about feelings that you had saved and the discussion worsens at times.

The truth is that when a situation like this begins, it is best to know how to stop in time to relax the atmosphere and, once the heads and emotions become colder or more serene, then speak respectfully and as calmly as possible about the situation.

If things have reached the point of ending an important argument or even fighting hard and you haven't spoken for hours or even days, you probably want to know how you can deal with the situation to solve it. Follow these tips if you wonder how to reconcile with your spouse after a strong fight or argument?

Another situation in which we can seek reconciliation with the couple is after separation, whether brief or long. If after some time apart you feel that you want to get your ex back or start over little by little to see where it leads you to meet again, the best thing you can do is get in touch again in a calm, open and respectful way, because if in the past there was some damage they may not trust you or feel uncomfortable. 

It is very important that you show him your intentions clearly and respect his decision in this regard, because he may decide that he does not want to return to anything and follow his life elsewhere, but if he wants to try again then you can think about how to reconcile. with your partner after separation.

To do this, the first thing is that you both agree and that you have both decided to leave behind what separated you in the past. If this first barrier is not overcome and you do not forgive each other, it will be very difficult for you to truly reconcile.

Once this first step is clear and overcome by both of you, you can follow all the advice discussed in the previous section and you will see how little by little the relationship improves. Also, you must remember to avoid repeating the same mistakes that you have made in the past with each other.

How To Reconcile With My Spouse After An Argument

Arguments and fights can be more or less frequent in a couple, but what is clear is that nobody likes them and they leave bad feelings, damaging the relationship. The reasons why you start arguing or fighting in a relationship can be the most varied, and it may even start with nonsense and end up talking about feelings that you had saved and the discussion worsens at times. 

The truth is that when a situation like this begins, it is best to know how to stop in time to relax the atmosphere and, once the heads and emotions become colder or more serene, then speak respectfully and as calmly as possible about the situation.

If things have reached the point of ending an important argument or even fighting hard and you haven't spoken for hours or even days, you probably want to know how you can deal with the situation to solve it. Follow these tips if you wonder how to reconcile with your spouse after a strong fight or argument?

1. Close The Discussion: Make sure that you have both decided to close the discussion before you start looking for ways to forgive each other or move on, as this previous step is vital to ensure that neither of you is going to bring up the subject again in form of a fight or argument, but you decide to go ahead and bring it up in calmer conversations to find a solution together. Once you are both willing to do so, you can move forward, otherwise, you will easily argue again.

2. Getting Closer: Something also very important is to start talking instead of shouting and fighting you get closer because in this way you can talk more calmly and it is much easier to give way to hugs, caresses and kisses, and sincere reconciliation.

3. Body Language: Keep in mind that your body language is open, calm, willing, and affectionate. Also, pay attention to your partner's body language, because this way you will really know if you are improving the relationship and reconciling or if there is something that is stopping the progress in your communication and you have to take a step back to improve later.

4. Ask For Forgiveness And Accept Apologies: When the time comes, it is very important that you sincerely apologize to your partner for the part of the blame that you have in the discussion, and assume the part that corresponds to you. It is also just as important that he accepts his part of the blame since the discussions are usually due to a problem between two, he asks for your forgiveness and that you truly accept it. Especially if the argument has been over something of little importance, what is more important, love or pride?

5. Talk About The Immediate Future: To successfully reconcile with your partner at this point you must think about a future together, but it is best to start slowly and think and talk about the near future. You can meet for dinner one day this week, go to the movies or even have a romantic getaway over the weekend, everything will depend on how you feel at all times.

6. Celebrate The Reconciliation: Last but not least, when you have really reconciled and you feel like a couple with a future again and you are happy to have achieved it, do not forget to celebrate it! Reconciliation in bed and daily, without a doubt, is the perfect way to end this time of discussion and reconciliation process.

How To Confess Infidelity

Have you been unfaithful to your partner? It is time to be consistent with your actions and explain to your partner what has happened. It is time to take control of the situation and give your relationship a dose of reality and truth. Although we know that it is a difficult decision to make and a hard pill to swallow, we believe that relationships always work when they are based on trust and sincerity.

We do not know if your partner will be able to forgive you, nor can we assure you that everything will go well, but what you will achieve with your confession will be to have a clear conscience and not have your partner deceived. Take note.

Steps To Follow:

1. Committing infidelity is not fun. The causes of this slip can occur for different reasons, but whatever they are, your partner should know. You must be sincere so that your relationship, if it continues, is always based on trust, on the other hand, infidelity is not a closed paradigm since it depends on the context, the state of the relationship, and even the confusing feelings that can appear at a certain time.

2. Facing up to telling a truth is not an easy task, but it is more satisfying for oneself. You cannot allow yourself to live in a lie, much less have your partner deceived, so the first thing you must be clear about before confessing to infidelity is that it is a serious mistake and that you feel sorry for it. Being clear about it yourself will help you make your partner understand that it is a slip that has meant nothing to you.

 3. Before you sit in front of your partner, analyze the situation of your relationship. This step is important, since the infidelity may have been committed as a result of a crisis. Perhaps this slip is the result of a difficult context between the two, of a delicate and complicated moment in the relationship. It is important that you can argue your infidelity if you want to save your relationship.

4. On the other hand, it is necessary to know what kind of relationship you have. If it is based on trust, if you tell each other everything, if it is an open relationship, or, on the contrary, if you are conservative. Depending based on your relationship, your partner will forgive said slip or not; It is also worth asking yourself if an infidelity how much you are going to damage or make your partner suffer with such a confession, taking into account, on the other hand, the seriousness of the infidelity.

5. Once you have made a small balance, assessing the pros and cons of telling the truth or hiding your deception, you must make a decision: tell it or not. It is evident that by telling it, there is a risk that your partner will make the decision to break with everything and not forgive you, at least when you are together. But will you be able to move forward with a clear conscience of not having shared?

6. If you decide to act and tell your partner everything, think carefully about what you will say, how you will say it, and consider the consequences of your confession. Shuffle all the possibilities and draw up a strategy based on argumentation. You know your partner well so touch those necessary keys so that he understands and accepts your slip. Of course, never hold her responsible for it, assume your mistake, because even if it is the result of different circumstances, it is only yours.

7. Report and apologize. This is the best strategy you can follow. Be aware that your partner is going to question you and that the blow will mean a loss of trust. We do not recommend basing your argument on cheap promises, but we do recommend that you give your partner incentives to believe in you and to understand that it will not happen again in the future.

8. Once the infidelity has been confessed, you must be prepared for a gray time. Your partner will have lost trust in you and will have the right and freedom to make a decision. Meanwhile, you will have to arm yourself with patience, because you will probably have to endure reproaches for a while. We know that they will hit you like a jug of cold water, but if you are aware of the mistake you have committed, you must accept these blows with humility and conscience.

9. Do you love your partner? Fight for her! Yes, you've made a mistake, but it won't happen again. If it's really worth it for you to move on with your relationship, you should work to heal your partner's wounds. The long-distance race will begin with the reconquest and you must put effort into it so that your partner regains confidence in you. Of course, you must leave a space for him to assimilate, accept and make a decision about your future. Lucky!

Reasons Men Won’t Forgive a Cheating Wife

Infidelity is one of the most difficult problems to overcome in any couple, in fact, most of the time this act ends up breaking the relationship. Pain, anger, sadness, or disappointment are some of the feelings that the unfaithful person goes through. The reason is that this act not only implies a betrayal, but you will also be throwing overboard one of the bases of any relationship: trust.

1. Sexually Transmitted Diseases:
One of the risks of infidelity is that an unprotected sexual relationship has been committed.
Promiscuity and unprotected sex can be really dangerous. Indeed, numerous sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV, or genital herpes can be spread just at a time when we decide to stop having safe sex with our partner and embark on an adventure.

Thus, you must bear in mind that the unfaithful person has not only betrayed you emotionally but also has not taken your integrity and health into account. That is, his immaturity toward her and her sexual need of her have been higher than the priority of caring for and protecting you.

Also, if you are not sure that your partner is going to change and you think that he will continue to be unfaithful in the future, you should keep this point in mind when considering whether you should forgive infidelity: Your health above all.

2. Self-esteem Wound:
Many people tend to blame themselves for their partner's infidelity. In fact, it is often the case of some men (or women) who blame their partners after having betrayed them: sex is not the same, we have fallen into a routine, etc.

In any case, it is a form of manipulation and not assuming the consequences of a personal, immature, and selfish choice. No one is to blame for their partner being unfaithful.

However, sometimes manipulation works and the deceived person ends up suffering a wound to their self-esteem, even taking responsibility for the betrayal of the other member of the couple.

For this reason, you must bear in mind that forgiving infidelity means having to live with that wound, recover from it and learn to see things clearly.

On the other hand, the wound may make you wake up and realize that it is not worth the pain and feel worthless. If they make you feel guilty for the acts of others, then perhaps it is better to put an end to it and give yourself time.

3. You Can't Trust Again:
We explained that trust is one of the fundamental pillars of a relationship. Infidelity breaks and destroys this base and undermines what has been created for a long time with dedication and effort because a relationship is not found, it is built.

In this sense, infidelity is contempt against what has been done together for so long. It has not been taken into account, it has not been enough not to give in to whim or desire. Everything is trampled.

Also, how to trust a person who has been unfaithful again? Once trust is broken, it is very difficult to regain it. Forgiving infidelity is exposing yourself to live in fear that it will happen again in the future.

4. You Can Forgive, But You Can't Forget:
As we know, it is one thing to forgive and quite another to forget. Furthermore, events as painful as infidelity can rarely be erased from memory. It is one of the reasons why regaining trust is so difficult.

Therefore, you must bear in mind that you will surely never be able to forget that you have been unfaithful. In this way, reproach can always arise, along with discomfort, pain, hurt, and anger.

And perhaps the relationship will not return to what it was. Because infidelity can likely be overcome from a rational point of view. However, from an emotional point of view, things are more complicated or more difficult to handle.

5. It Can Happen Again:
An unfaithful person is very likely to be unfaithful more than once. As sexologist Tracey Cox explains in Hot Relationships: How to have one if someone has developed a pattern of "cheating" in life, chances are good that they continue to do so.

In addition, once trust is destroyed, the cheater promises that "he will not do it again" may be just words in the air. Distrust will reign in the relationship and the second blow may be even harder for the pride, dignity, and self-esteem of the person deceived.

6. Public Shame:
When we are victims of infidelity, we have the feeling that they are pointing fingers at us, as if we were guilty of something. Maybe we are not, but we cannot avoid someplace that labels us.

The truth of the case is that, around a relationship, there are other people: friends, and family; The news often reaches them too. Before them, we can feel shame, and discomfort; even without having to talk about the situation.

We don't necessarily have to pay attention to others, who are not interested parties in the relationship. However, if you are going to forgive the infidelity, remember that you can be judged for doing so.

7. Suffer In Vain:
You drowned in a sea of ​​tears, and you spent sleepless nights wondering why, maybe you got drunk or ate too much chocolate. But if you now forgive the infidelity, all that will have been suffering in vain.

8. He Just Doesn't Love You Anymore:
The last reason could well be the first. If he decided to be with another person, it is because what you offer him in the relationship no longer seems enough, from an emotional or sexual point of view.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Why Men Are Called The "Groom” On The Wedding Day

Why is the newly wedded man called GROOM and the woman called BRIDE? A friend of mine got tired of his WIFE just about six months after the wedding.

He complained bitterly to me about her and told me that he has concluded to break up with her; he went on to say that he was sure that he made a mistake. I did not respond immediately because I knew I must tell him the right thing, so I went home. And that is what birth this message.

Many MEN have broken up with their WIVES because they end up not being the WIVES that they have dreamt of. But they have forgotten that on their wedding day was when the man was commissioned for the new task.

Nobody calls the woman WIFE on her wedding day but BRIDE, because it is the man that will GROOM his BRIDE to become the WIFE. That is why the man is called ‘BRIDEGROOM or GROOM’ and the word grooming has to do with PATIENTLY NURTURING, TEACHING, TENDING, and HELPING someone to become what he or she should be.

It is therefore believed that a MAN that takes a WOMAN to the ALTAR of MARRIAGE is mature enough to patiently GROOM his BRIDE to become the WIFE. The man is not supposed to just expect the BRIDE to automatically become the WIFE, she must be GROOMED. 

It is clear that many of our men have unnecessary expectations when they were getting married, they want some magic to happen to their wives, and they want the wives to become what they have had in mind about who they want their wives to be; not because the woman does not know what is on your mind except you teach her.

MEN expectations are often too unrealistic because they do not remember that change takes TIME and they can only expect something from someone that knows what they want.

So before you think of breaking up, have you GROOMED her? Have you given her TIME to understand you? Do you realize that a turtle will never become a hawk. GOD often brings People that are opposites of each other together in MARRIAGE so that they can HELP EACH OTHER in their place of weakness. If your WIFE is weak where you are weak, then where will you get the strength that is needed? THE PROBLEM WITH MANY OF US IS THAT WE DO NOT ACCEPT PEOPLE BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO CHANGE THEM.

Of course, wives are not from husbands' backgrounds, so it will take TIME for them to adjust. Stop trying to change her. ACCEPT her, LOVE her, TEACH her and be PATIENT with her; that is what GROOMING is all about. She is going to be your WIFE but she is your BRIDE now, so GROOM her. Stop complaining about her. She may be a TURTLE 🐢 and you are a HAWK. She cannot fly, so be PATIENT with her. I DO not believe that your Marriage cannot work, be PATIENT and allow GOD to HELP you.


Wishing you the best Marital Life ever to all single Ladies, Bros, and Married ones here.

You will have the Marriage of your dreams. a Marriage made in Heaven!

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