Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Greatest Tragedy Of Diana

The greatest tragedy of Diana, Princess of Wales was not her disastrous loveless marriage, nor even her divorce and violent death. It is more than her emotionally scarred childhood and consequent unstable character.

It Is This:

All her life, like you and me, she sought genuine love, and unconditional acceptance, and yearned to share such love with hurting people.

In marrying the future king she assumed she would be joining the most solid family imaginable. Her future looked secure, happy, and assured in the "perfect relationship".

Instead, she soon found torment, insecurity, and bitterness. And try as hard as she might, she could not give what she did not have.

Real love, unconditional love, is only found in one person, The Lord Jesus Christ.

Love is not romance, love is not an emotion. Love is Jesus the Son of God laying down his life for us sinners. God is love, and Christ's death on our behalf is the perfect example of real love. There is no other.

Romance is fickle, and imaginary (of the mind). Mother's love is selfish, limited to her own children (until they cross her.)

Diana rejected Him, and His love, and had to be satisfied with its poor human imitation.

Now that she has died separated from God's love, she has discovered that marrying Prince Charles was not the greatest mistake of her life.

It was rejecting the Only One who really loved her as she needed, and wanted, to be loved.  

The One who loved her so much, He died in her place bearing all her guilt, sin, and shame on a cruel wooden Cross. The Man who poured out his sinless Blood to satisfy God's Law, in Diana's place.

Jesus, God's Only Son, did that for her. All she had to do to have the "perfect relationship" was accept Him into her heart as Lord and Saviour. She would then have joined the Perfect Man in the Perfect Family... God's family.

Diana had many opportunities. Christians spoke to her and prayed for her, but she never received Christ. She died in her sins.

Please don't make the same mistake.

Marriages Lack Unconditional Love

There is a huge difference between unconditional love and conditional love. 

Conditional love blames a person, expects things in return, and asks for more. 

Unconditional love accepts the person, expects nothing in return, and sacrifices.

When the human race embraces love unconditionally, then the lost will be found, the naked will be clothed, the hungry will be fed, the bombs will be destroyed and there will be peace and unity which will make us all speak one language, “LOVE”. Let love abide.  

Learning unconditional love is worth it, but it’s not easy. Giving your spouse the security of your unwavering love requires grace, patience, affirmation of the good things, encouragement, respect, and time. 

Even when you don’t feel like showing love, do it anyway. You need it; your spouse needs it; your marriage needs it.

True Story Of A Man Who Rejected Her


Am a 24-year young lady who was in a bad relationship for 3 years. 

When I met this guy, I thought he was the one. His sweet words made me believe in him. He loved me and eventually I fell for him. I did everything to please him, I went all out to prove my love for him, and I sacrificed my life for him but he was too blind to see all that. 

The best he could do was to keep on telling me how beautiful other girls are, how my hairstyle makes him sick. He complained about almost everything in my life. 

I started having low self-esteem, feeling like am unworthy, and felt unattractive. 

One day he made a mistake by calling me desperate. He told me that I was not the type of girl he wanted to get married to and that broke me into pieces. 

I was on campus about to write my exams and I couldn't study and even wished to commit suicide but I thank God because He spoke sense in my life. 

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at the beautiful woman. I pulled myself together, studied for exams, and passed well. 

I graduated last year and got a job in one of the biggest companies in the U.S.A.  

Early this year, I met a gentleman who didn't even want to wait until he put a ring on my finger, and right now am engaged and am going to marry one of the best men in the world. 

I have achieved many things that maybe I couldn't have achieved if I was still with that loser. 

A few weeks ago, he called and asked to see me. I didn't refuse, I went to meet him, looking beautiful, driving my car and wearing a ring on my finger. 

He couldn't believe what he saw. I took him to one of the best restaurants and paid all the bills. 

He cried out and asked for forgiveness but it was too late. 

To someone reading this today!

You worked for everyone so hard and neglected yourself. 

But a day will come that those who refused you would come back to beg you when your glory shines!!

Can someone type a big "AMEN"?

Why Is Sexual Temptation A Bigger Problem

Sex Before Marriage is called Fornication.
Sex Outside of Marriage is called Adultery. [Affair, Cheating, Infidelity, Unfaithfulness]

Both, it's Sinful. When Bible calls it Sin, your Opinion doesn't matter. 

All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. ~1 Cor 6: 18 - 20

So many of us are misguided when it comes to our bodies & sex. Whether it is through music, imagery, experiences, or drugs, somehow we lost sight of just how important our temples are. What we allow inside our bodies more specifically sexually affects our relationship with our God. How can we offer our bodies as vessels, instruments to fulfill God’s work if it is already being used & abused by everyone else?  

Our bodies are temples to the Holy Spirit but they also can be temples to other spirits & demons that other people are carrying (soul tides). Only you control what comes in & out of your temple. Will you make yours an instrument for God or a place to worship for everyone else?

It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman. But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. ~1 Cor 7:1-2

Friday, June 17, 2022

Porn Has Harmful Effects on Relationships

Porn is very dangerous for Marriage. The minute you watch Porn, demons get a foothold and they will attack your marriage from every angle. 

Initially, porn may help your marriage but the very same porn will destroy your marriage. 

It will also lead you to addiction and you will find it very difficult to overcome.

Ask God to deliver you and He will certainly help you.  

It is better for God to deliver you than watching porn cos' demons will definitely destroy your marriage.

I will give you another option:
You must have family prayer at home cos' family prayer produces intimacy.

Common Signs Of A Toxic Parent

Some Of The Common Signs Of A Toxic Parent Include:

High Negative Reactivity:
Toxic parents are emotionally out of control. They tend to dramatize even the smallest problems and see any possible inconsiderateness as a reason to become hostile, destructive, or verbally abusive.

Lack Of Empathy:
The toxic person, in this case, one of the parents, is not able to empathize with others. Instead, it's all about them and their needs, and they fail to understand how something they do could be perceived by others as hurtful, hurtful, or disruptive.

Excess Control:
The more toxic the individual, the more they will want to control everything and everyone around them. This means overinvolved parents who make unreasonable demands on their children even though they are adults. 

To Much Criticism:
A toxic parent is unable or unwilling to see the accomplishments of their children de ella, no matter how successful they are even as adults. They constantly put down the people around them while presenting themselves as exceptional, gifted, or talented.

Blame Everyone Else:
The disharmony, disagreements, hostility, and family estrangement caused by the toxic parent(s) is someone else'sfault . These parents cannot take responsibility for any problem but instead blame the rest of the family and twist or manipulate the perception of these events.

Consequences Of Emotional And Psychological Abuse

Signs Of Emotional And Psychological Abuse:
  • Physical Discomfort
  • Low Self-esteem
  • Loss Of Social Relationships Often Leading To Isolation
  • Feeling That You Are No Longer The Person You Used To Be
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depressed Mood
  • Changes In Sleep Patterns
  • Feeding Problems
  • Addiction To Different Types Of Substances (Including Benzodiazepines And Alcohol)
  • Laziness And Carelessness In Physical Appearance
  • Irritability
  • Apathy
  • Feelings Of Helplessness And Worthlessness
  • Indecision
  • Unsafety 
  • Emotional Dependence
  • Angry Outbursts Directed At Other People
  • Sexual Inappetence
  • Feelings Of Shame And Guilt
  • Feeling Of Weakness
  • Difficulty In Making Decisions
  • Culpability
  • Flight-based Coping Mechanisms
  • Feelings Of Inferiority

Is Your Spouse Psychologically Abusing You

Do you control the money you spend? Do you have to ask your partner for money? Do you ask permission when buying something, either for yourself or for the house?

Does he tell you how you have to dress? If you go in some way that he doesn't like, does he get mad at you for it and decide to change your clothes? Are there clothes that you no longer wear because you know that they don't like you to go like that and you're going to have problems because of it?

Does he get angry if you invest more time in your friends or family than he considers necessary?

Do you have sex even if you don't feel like it because if you don't, he gets angry? Count the times you do things that you don't feel like doing or that you don't agree with to avoid an argument.

Do you control your mobile and your social networks? Do you have to inform him of your schedules?

Do you downplay your personal or professional achievements? When you do something for your partner, does he thank you or make you feel like it's your obligation?

Do you organize your free time? Do you feel that in your spare time you have to consult him on what to spend your time on?

When you have a problem, do you minimize it with comments of the type: that's nothing, do you complain about vice, etc.?

When an argument has taken place, on most occasions do you give in, even though you are right, because he could spend days without speaking to you and ignoring you?  

If he has a problem outside the scope of the couple, does he make you feel responsible for it ?

Does he make you feel like you wouldn't know how to move on if you weren't by his side?

Do you feel guilty when you get sick?

If you are in public, are you afraid to say what you think in case it brings you consequences with your partner?

Do you often use emotional blackmail to achieve your goals?

Does it remind you a thousand times of the mistakes you've made?

Have you stopped telling your relationship problems to those around you because you know that if they found out they would be angry?

Are you afraid to say some things to him because you know that his reaction may be disproportionate?

Do you notice that when the same act is carried out by another person, they value it more positively than if it is you who does it?

Do you feel uncomfortable if someone of the opposite sex looks at you in case your partner notices and could be the cause of another argument?

Do you feel like you need their approval for everything you do, or even think?

Has the way he addresses you changed, becoming imperative?

Do you feel that you cannot be yourself when you are with your partner?

Linked to the previous one, do you feel that even without him being there, when you want to be yourself you think that maybe it bothers him and you stop doing the things you wanted?

Does he/she treat you as if he/she were your father/mother instead of your partner ?

Does he make important decisions without taking your opinion into account?

Does it make you doubt your abilities?

Do you feel afraid?

Manipulative People Have These 5 Traits In Common

These individuals often earn the label of manipulators, and unfortunately, society is full of them. They are very clever at making you doubt your abilities, making you feel vulnerable or inferior to others. 

1. They Are Specialized In Detecting The Weaknesses Of Others:
Absolutely all of us have weaknesses, and they are the instrument they use to hurt you, since if you hesitate in what you believe, there is something that makes you ashamed and you want to hide, the manipulative person will try to find out and, if the occasion arises, they can use it in you against

2. They Won't Stop Until They Get What They Want:
They show few qualms about stepping on anyone, for them, the end justifies the means. When they are going to act, their pulse does not tremble to do what is necessary in order to achieve their goals, with all this their behaviors usually go unnoticed since they are good actors.  

3. They Are Insatiable:
Manipulation makes them feel powerful and, as is often the case with power, they always want more. Their moral principles are somewhat damaged, being aware that by themselves they are incapable of achieving a goal, but that their manipulative capacity can allow them to reach their goal using the merits of others, behind the backs of others. They are filled with ambition, a desire that, like drugs, produces a kind of addiction.

4. They Need Control:
The manipulator usually suffers from what is known as a superiority complex; They are usually people with traits close to egocentrism and narcissism. They like to improve themselves and exceed the level previously reached, in search of greater and greater challenges.

However, people who feel the need to consider themselves superior to others, even perfect beings, thriving through the merits of others, denote a certain insecurity which they cover with the appearance of power , but which deep down hide an overwhelming fear. to appear weak.

Toxic Behaviors Of Parents

Unfortunately, some parents go beyond simple mistakes and carry out toxic behaviors that seriously harm their child's growth and emotional health, because the figure of a father can mark the future of his child and is, together with the mother, the most important educational agent for Item. Are there toxic parents? And, more importantly, what effects can their behaviors and poor parenting styles have on their children's fragile psyches?

But also: what are the harmful behaviors of parents towards their children? What are the toxic behaviors of parents? Below you can find the 15 most common characteristics of toxic parents.

1. Too Demanding:
There are some parents who are too demanding with their own children and who do not tolerate their failures. These critical parents are too perfectionistic and expect their children to do everything well, and think that the way to achieve it is by reminding them of their mistakes over and over again.

This type of behavior can cause serious problems for their descendants in the future and, sometimes, the psychological and emotional damage that can accompany them for the rest of their lives. One of the causes of this behavior can be the low self-esteem of the father, a tremendous feeling of inferiority, and even a perfectionist personality.

2. Manipulators:
Despite the fact that many parents have exemplary behavior with their children, there are others who, consciously or unconsciously, have a manipulative attitude and deeply damage their children, because, sometimes, they cannot escape from them. They are parents who, in addition, tend to have this type of behavior with other individuals and, therefore, their own children suffer from their toxic behaviors as well.

Manipulative people are experts in detecting the weaknesses of others to stealthily bring them to their own ground. In addition, they usually do not stop until they achieve their goal, they are insatiable and usually have a great need for control.

3. Authoritarian, Little Tolerant, And Intransigent:
Authoritarian parents are those who force their children to behave in a certain way without taking into account their needs and emotions. They are intolerant and inflexible and make them feel bad, even being aggressive when their children do not act as they wish. This includes taking things out of context and acting disproportionately on many occasions.

They are parents who show little communication with their children and try to raise obedient children, but also very dependent. Being not very affectionate, their children often end up being not very happy or spontaneous.

4. Physical And Verbal Abusers:
As much as it is hard for some of us to believe that there are parents who mistreat their children, they do exist. Some of these use physical violence at specific times and others more often. Some of them use verbal violence: speaking in bad manners and giving insults. Abusive parents create serious problems in their children's self-esteem and cause damage that can be difficult to erase from memory.

5. Too Critical:
There are demanding parents, as we have said, but, in addition, it is also possible to find overly critical parents. They are parents who rarely praise their children and are usually not aware that they do not know that with their continuous reproaches they end up reinforcing the bad behavior that they intend to correct. Criticizing brings with it judgment, censorship, and condemnation, and this makes children defensive and responds with hostility and mistrust.

6. Little Affectionate:
Children need to feel the affection of their parents, especially when they feel alone. The affection of the home can help get through bad times and creates affective bonds that the child later learns. Family models that are not based on affection and trust can cause problems in the interpersonal relationships of children in the future.

7. Not Very Communicative:
Communication is basic in interpersonal relationships because it can avoid many conflicts. But in the case of the father-son relationship, it is especially necessary because it can help the son feel loved and it is necessary for his correct education. Uncommunicative parents avoid having conversations with their children and do not take their needs into account. In fact, parents should be mindful not only of what they say, when they say it, and how they say it, but they should also be adept at actively listening to their children.  

8. You Blame Your Children For Your Own Failures Or Frustrations:
Some parents are not comfortable with their own lives, for example, because they feel like a failure at their job. As a consequence, their self-esteem may be low and they may be quite irritable and not very patient. These parents, in addition, can make the mistake of projecting their failures onto the people around them , especially those close to them, such as their own children.

9. Project Your Fantasies Or Dreams Onto Your Children:
While some may blame their children for their failures, others may project their failed dreams or unfulfilled expectations onto their little ones . In other words, they want their children to live the life that they have not been able to live. For example, forcing them to dance when the children do not enjoy this practice.

10. Overly Protective:
The vast majority of parents want their children to be well and care about them. But some parents turn this behavior into totally toxic behavior . For example, not letting them go out with their friends for a bike ride for fear of having an accident. This causes their children to become insecure and do not develop their own autonomy, and, in addition, they do not let them enjoy their lives.

11. They Do Not Accept Their Friendships:
Toxic parents don't accept their children's friendships because they have expectations of who should mingle or not mingle. Either because they don't have a career, because they have tattoos or because they aren't what they want them to be. Parents have to let their children live their lives.

12. They Plan Their Professional Career:
Parents' concern that their children have the life they want can mean that their children end up choosing their professional career based on the tastes of their parents . For example, some children may stand out as artists and may be happy developing their passion, but, instead, they end up studying medicine and dedicating themselves to something that does not make them fully happy. Each one must live a life based on their own dreams and expectations, not reproduce that of their parents.

13. They Are Selfish:
We have all met very selfish people during our lives, but the situation is more complicated when this type of self-centered habits and attitudes are manifested in parents. Selfish parents only think of themselves and cause a lot of suffering in their children who may not feel loved.

14. They Are A Bad Model:
Parents are role models for their children and are the most important role models for their lives, because they see themselves reflected in them and tend to inherit certain habits, customs and even behaviors. When parents do not set an example and are a poor role model, children are at risk of learning harmful behaviors . That without taking into account the emotional damage that can be done to them, for example, if they are alcoholics.

15. They Don't Teach Them Healthy Habits:
The children see themselves reflected in the parents, but it is especially important to know that the parents educate their children when it comes to adopting healthy habits. Parents who do not have a healthy lifestyle send the wrong message to their children, and that can have an effect on their future health.

Not only that, but also when children are very young they are beings at the mercy of their parents. If they feed them poorly, the children may suffer the negative consequences of this behavior. For example, being overweight due to poor eating habits in the family and a sedentary lifestyle.

Signs Of A Toxic Parents

Signs of a Toxic Father:
  • He's Disrespectful
  • He Gives You the Silent Treatment
  • He Screams Threats
  • He has Substance Misuse Issues
  • He Doesn't Want You to Grow Up
  • He Has Violent Outbursts
  • He Provides Conditional Love
  • He Inspires Fear
  • He's Narcissistic
  • He's Aloof
  • He's Controlling
Signs of a Toxic Mother:
  • She Overreacts to Differences of Opinion.
  • She Makes Excessive Demands of You.
  • She Uses Manipulation to Get What She Wants.
  • She Fails to Respect Your Boundaries.
  • She Puts Down Your Accomplishments.
  • She Hurts You With Her Words or Actions.
  • She Refuses to Apologize.
  • She Tries to Control You.

Real True Love

The Australian ex-model Turia Pitt suffered burns to 65 percent of her body.

She lost her fingers and thumb on her right hand and spent five months in hospital after being trapped by a grassfire in a 100-kilometer ultra-marathon in the Kimberley. 

Her husband decided to quit his job to care for her recovery. Days ago, in an interview for CNN they asked him:

"Did you at any moment think about leaving her and hiring someone to take her of her and moving on with your life?"  

His reply touched the World:

"I married her soul, her character, and she's the only woman that will continue to fulfill my dreams."

Marrying A Beast

Many have journeyed the relationship hoping for a great ride. 

Along the way, they were devastated having seen the once thriving love dwindle from 100 to 0. 

This is typical of what the devil makes us believe. 

The devil lets you see everything right about someone, and ignore their beastly nature.

It takes one who waits and hears from God to discern before it’s too late.  

Today, I pray for you that your spiritual eyes are opened and your mind is set to take the right decision at the right time. 

I pray that God will lead and direct you before making any lifelong decision.

When tomorrow comes, you will look back and thank God that you did what are did today. 

May you not regret in Jesus name!

Adam & Steve


God created Adam and Eve. Satan created LGBTQIA!  

The Bible clearly says that performing sexual acts with people of the same sex, and engaging in homosexual practice or behavior, is sin. 

In Leviticus 18:22, the Bible tells us that a man should not lie with a man as if he were a woman, it is an abomination. Romans talks about the shift from natural relationships (male and female) to unnatural relationships with people of the same gender. 

In 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and 1 Timothy 1:8-11, one of the sins that appear in those “lists” is that of men who practice homosexuality. So the emphasis is on the consciously chosen activity of homosexual intimacy.

For although they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.

Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen

For this reason, God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error. ~Romans 1:21-27

You Need To Know About Sperm

Biology says that after sexual intercourse, about 200 to 300 million sperms are deposited by the man, and they all begin to swim upwards within the track to meet with the ovum. 

Out of the 200 million that are deposited, only 300 to 500 actually reach the site while others get tired on the way because it's not an easy race. The 300 that manages to reach the ovum (egg), and only one fertilized the egg. In this case, the winning one is YOU.

Have you ever thought about this?  

You ran a race without your eyes and legs and you WON.

You ran a race without your education and you WON.

You ran without a certificate and you WON.

You ran without help and you WON.

What makes you think you will Lose now?

Now that you have the Knowledge of God's Word, don't give up on God's plans, visions, and dreams that He has for YOU. Giving up now is an insult to your Creator.

It doesn't matter what you see now! Take it as a challenge and always remember that you WON from the Womb.

You will win your present battle in Jesus' Name.

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