Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Tricks For A Successful Relationship

Getting married or starting a more committed life as a couple living together can be quite a challenge. And although it depends on each couple, there are certain elements that are key to guaranteeing a prosperous and respectful relationship.

1. Speak Up And Don't Hide:
Many times it is believed that to avoid problems, it is better to keep silent about what bothers you. The opposite must happen: they must be able to communicate their emotions and feelings to their partners when something does not like or makes them uncomfortable. The secret is in the how: avoiding accusations, adopting a conciliatory tone, and not underestimating the feelings of the other are keys to empathic communication.

2. Be Interested In The Other:
Although it sounds like a no-brainer since they are clearly interested in what happens to their partners, many times this is taken for granted and they are not accompanied. In that sense, the main thing is to enjoy not only the special moments but also to listen to the other's day, their concerns, their aspirations in life, and their wishes.

3. Balance Life As A Couple And Personal Life
This aspect is very fundamental: they must not forget that a couple is made up of two people with their own personal lives, their friends, their hobbies, and their ways of thinking. Therefore, although they surely make many of their plans together, they must also Give each other time to do activities separately.

4. Love, Always Love
Being loving on a daily basis is one of the easiest ways to strengthen your relationship. It is not necessary to resort to great gestures of love: with a daily kiss, with an "I love you" whispered in the ear when you wake up, it is enough to keep the flame of the relationship alive.

5. Learn To Make Decisions Together:
Once they are going to live together, it is necessary to learn to agree both on crucial issues and on everyday ones. This can range from choosing a decoration for the house to deciding where to go on vacation. Possibly sometimes it will be easy to agree, and other times it will be necessary to discuss calmly, listening carefully to the reasons of the other. Many times, perhaps even one of the two has to give in: as long as it is from respect and leaving aside selfishness, it will be fine. 

6. Find Moments Of Intimacy:
Although it is not everything, sex and intimate encounters between couples are important because it is another way of meeting one another for pleasure, without taboos, and with a lot of love. Therefore, do not neglect this aspect and find during the week the space in the middle of your routine to give yourself to each other.

7. Have Long-term Plans:
Although life can always bring surprises, it is a key element for a couple to imagine the future, and project themselves in the long term. These projections do not have to be masterful, but they must take place within the framework of imagining themselves sharing even more aspects of their lives, such as a trip, a house, or even children.

8. Share Household Chores:
As you know, gender roles have already been forgotten, and both, whether men or women, must participate equally in the housework. In this sense, the fundamental thing is not to cultivate the idea that "you help the other", but to take full responsibility for the fact that both live there, and therefore, both have the task of facing these activities.

9. Clarify The Money Issue:
It is usually one of the main issues of problems in a married or cohabiting couple. From the beginning, they must talk about the destination of the money; that is, how the expenses will be distributed according to the work activities that each one performs. In turn, always make it clear who is actually in charge of making said payments, to avoid future discussions due to possible oversights.

10. Be Sincere:
A relationship is, above all, a contract of trust and love between two people. For this reason, the value that they must always have as a flag is the sincerity to tell those good things, but also the bad ones, those that annoy, that are causing noise, that do not feel entirely comfortable if they face what happens in pairs, it will always be easier to solve.

Without a doubt, there are no secret formulas to have a good relationship, and it will be a process and construction of two, in which there will be successes and errors. But as long as there is love and desire to continue improving together, they are on the right track.

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