Saturday, July 30, 2022

Are You In A Sexless Marriage

Living in a sexless marriage is a heavy cross!

This begs the question, what is a marriage without sex?

A sexless marriage is a marriage in which couples do not engage in sexual activity or have minimal sexual contact.

Sex and marriage are not mutually exclusive.

The effects of a sexless marriage on husband and wife include a lack of emotional connection, conflicts, relationship dissatisfaction, and even a proclivity towards committing infidelity in marriage.

There can be many reasons for the lack of intimacy in a marriage such as menopause, age, hormonal issues, and sexual dysfunction. Physical intimacy is an essential element in a relationship, a sexless marriage can be a threat to a relationship. But, figuring out how to survive a sexless marriage is even harder.

Intimacy issues are not uncommon, and they can certainly be difficult to handle or upsetting to face.  

No sex in marriage is unheard of, there are many couples who struggle with this.

There are marriages that last without sex, intimacy, and romance however, these are the characteristics that set the relationship between husband and wife apart from all other family ties.

Sex and intimacy are vital to maintaining a healthy marriage and the effects of a lack of sex in a marriage can destroy a relationship.

Intimacy refers to the intimate, connected feelings that partners build with each other over time; and the physical and emotional connection achieved in healthy relationships.

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