Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Greatest Tragedy Of Diana

The greatest tragedy of Diana, Princess of Wales was not her disastrous loveless marriage, nor even her divorce and violent death. It is more than her emotionally scarred childhood and consequent unstable character.

It Is This:

All her life, like you and me, she sought genuine love, and unconditional acceptance, and yearned to share such love with hurting people.

In marrying the future king she assumed she would be joining the most solid family imaginable. Her future looked secure, happy, and assured in the "perfect relationship".

Instead, she soon found torment, insecurity, and bitterness. And try as hard as she might, she could not give what she did not have.

Real love, unconditional love, is only found in one person, The Lord Jesus Christ.

Love is not romance, love is not an emotion. Love is Jesus the Son of God laying down his life for us sinners. God is love, and Christ's death on our behalf is the perfect example of real love. There is no other.

Romance is fickle, and imaginary (of the mind). Mother's love is selfish, limited to her own children (until they cross her.)

Diana rejected Him, and His love, and had to be satisfied with its poor human imitation.

Now that she has died separated from God's love, she has discovered that marrying Prince Charles was not the greatest mistake of her life.

It was rejecting the Only One who really loved her as she needed, and wanted, to be loved.  

The One who loved her so much, He died in her place bearing all her guilt, sin, and shame on a cruel wooden Cross. The Man who poured out his sinless Blood to satisfy God's Law, in Diana's place.

Jesus, God's Only Son, did that for her. All she had to do to have the "perfect relationship" was accept Him into her heart as Lord and Saviour. She would then have joined the Perfect Man in the Perfect Family... God's family.

Diana had many opportunities. Christians spoke to her and prayed for her, but she never received Christ. She died in her sins.

Please don't make the same mistake.

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