Sunday, November 6, 2022

How To Wake Up Your Woman

There are many ways to love her..

1. KISS HER ON THE FOREHEAD when the alarm rings and she struggles to wake up

2. RUB AND SENSUALLY TOUCH her thighs, hips, back, nipples; so that she wakes up aroused. She loves being turned on by her husband for morning glory

3. OCCASIONALLY PREPARE BREAKFAST IN BED. Let her wake up to being pampered. Surprise her once in a while

4. STARE AT HER WHEN HER EYES ARE ABOUT TO OPEN. She loves it when your loving eyes are the first thing she sees

5. PRAY FOR HER FIRST THING WHEN SHE WAKES UP. Then kiss her lips to say "Amen"

6. LET HER WAKE UP TO YOUR HOLD, YOUR EMBRACE as you have a calm and intimate conversation with her. Sometimes a woman wants a quiet morning

7. LET HER WAKE UP TO THE VIEW OF YOUR CARRYING YOUR CHILD, giving her a break; especially when she stayed up till late looking after your child

8. GO INSIDE UNDER THE COVERS AND LICK HER BETWEEN HER LEGS; especially when you two sleep naked. She loves it when her husband makes her wet in the morning, then make love to start the day with passion

9. CALL HER OR TEXT HER A SWEET LOVING MESSAGE, words of blessing; if you two wake up far from each other. Distance shouldn't be an excuse not to start her day with a smile

10. KISS HER SKIN, FINGERS AND PARTS OF HER BODY as you tell her how beautiful she looks, how proud you are she is yours, how amazing she is, how she is going to have a great day. Tell her she is still the one, even in this new day

The woman determines the mood of the house, the mood of the woman is dependent on how her husband treats her first thing in the morning. When a man makes his woman feel special, he is actually looking after his own interest and home. A loved up woman, governs the home with love, she loves good in return. She glows through out the day. Start the day right.

~John Nazzy.

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