Sunday, July 24, 2022

Mother Abandoned Her Baby And Found Her Dead

Alessia Pifferi, a 37-year-old Italian had gone on a trip to spend a vacation with her new partner in a town in Bergamo, abandoning her 1 1/2-year-old daughter for six days. When she returned to her house from her, she found her dead.  "I knew it could happen." She confessed that it was not the first time that she had left her daughter alone. 

“He died of hunger and thirst”, was the accusation of the prosecutor Francesco De Tomassi in relation to the causes of the death of the little girl. During the interrogation, the judicial authorities verified that the fateful outcome occurred after Pifferi abandoned her daughter for a long time.

Pifferi confessed that it was not the first time that he left the minor alone, however, before his absences were less prolonged: first a few hours, then 2 or 3 days. On Thursday, July 14, the woman bathed and changed her little girl for the last time. She left it in her crib along with a bottle.

Later, he went to Leffe, in Bergamo, to spend a vacation with his new partner. She told him that her daughter was in the care of his sister. Totally unconcerned, the woman and the man traveled to Milan, returning after almost a week.

When he arrived from his trip, on Wednesday, July 20, around 10 am, Pifferi found the lifeless body of the little girl and immediately asked a neighbor for help to call the Police and the ambulance.  

After her arrest, the woman stated: “When I left, I was not calm. She knew that she was doing something she shouldn't have done, that anything could happen. Even what happened after."

Neighbors told the Corriere Della Sera newspaper that Pifferi was uncommunicative. "She was very reserved," said a woman. "He never played with her," he added.

“She was not a lively girl, she was always very quiet. She could be seen from time to time in her stroller, out there with her baby." said the neighbor.

The woman is currently under arrest. She is charged with voluntary manslaughter with the aggravating circumstance of premeditation and futile motives.

On the other hand, Justice awaits the results of the toxicological examination and the autopsy, since it is suspected that the little girl could have been put to sleep with some drug, which would further complicate Pifferi's situation.

In the windows of the apartment where the girl died, neighbors hung farewell posters and balloons. "Bye, little angel," said one sentence.

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