While this one should be obvious, often times the “control freak” type can be disguised in the beginning of a relationship as someone who just, pays a lot of attention
Eventually, though, you will begin to feel a little more closed-in and unable to make your own decisions. Additionally, the decisions you do make could feel judged or looked down upon. This is in an effort to mold you into the person he/she wants you to be in order to obtain a role of “power” in the relationship.
Relationships aren’t about power or control – they are about cooperation and collaboration. For this reason, a man or woman who is a control freak is unable to build a healthy relationship with an equal and should be avoided.
2. The Constant Complainer:
Dating an eternal pessimist is akin to trying to go for a swim with an anchor tied to your ankle. There is a difference between two people balancing each other out, and one who drags another down emotionally.
To try to build a relationship with someone who is always complaining or seeing the negative side of things will be increasingly difficult over time because their attitude will begin to rub off on you (if you let it), and while you may not become as negative, you could easily stop always trying to see the silver lining of a situation because they will keep shooting you down.
3. The Silly Putty Man:
Most of you probably remember Silly Putty. It was a super flexible substance that you could do whatever you wanted with. You could even pull it so hard that it separated apart, but then you could just put it back together again and continue to mold it.
Sure, it was fun to play with, but it wasn’t your significant other. Flexibility and compromise in a relationship are important, but so is having your own opinions and point of view.
4. The Center Of The Universe:
The opposite of Silly Putty is that hardened Play-Doh stuff. Remember that stuff? When it would get hard it would have no flexibility at all – it would just stay the way it is and break apart if you tried to do anything with it.
So it goes with someone who is so self-absorbed that everything needs to revolve around them, requiring them to do essentially nothing but be catered to. We should never want to change our partner, but their willingness to be flexible and compromise is essential to ensuring the happiness of both teammates in a relationship.
5. The Narcissist:
A few of these previous qualities could fall under the umbrella of narcissism, but recognizing it for as a self-standing diagnosis is ultra-important.
Individuals with this disorder exhibit a lack of ability to empathize with others and an inflated sense of self-importance which does not bode well for a healthy relationship.