Thursday, November 10, 2022

6-Yr-Old Saves Dad From Dying

In Maine, a girl has become a celebrity after saving the life of her father, who lost consciousness while accompanying the minor and her four-year-old brother.

It all happened on the morning of April 12. That day, Kyle had come home from working all night and was feeling a little dizzy. "I was having a hard time breathing," said the father in conversation with the local news.

According to him, his girl, Macie, had told him that she missed him very much and that she did not want to go to school. Seeing her so convinced, she was allowed to stay at home.

After a while, Kyle went down to the basement to rest while the children played, but for a moment he felt bad and started screaming for help.

Macie, hearing this, walked over and when she saw her father come to her, she asked him to unlock his phone. Quickly, she logged into Google and typed in "Eliot's Police", which led to the local station's contact number and a call symbol, which she pressed.

So, he connected with an assistant and gave her all the information necessary to help him reach his home.

An ambulance arrived and, after several days at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, where he required four liters of oxygen to stabilize, Kyle was able to recover.

"Simply unbelievable. Simply amazing all around. I am very lucky, obviously because of my daughter and my son and the response (from the police). It was fast," said the father.

Elliot Moya, Eliot Police Chief, said “She knew everything. She was amazing. Macie potentially saved a life,” the police official stated.

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