The initial crush has already passed, and after about a year and a half, discussions begin to appear. It seems that there are a lot of discussions and, although it is true that these discussions exist, what makes them seem so many is the contrast with the phase of falling in love, so placid. It is normal for different types of couple discussions to appear, such as the following:
2. Discussions Due To Jealousy In The Couple
One of the most common is arguments due to jealousy (by friends, by ex-partners...) and the best way to prevent this from happening is to talk about it openly in the cold. The discussion should be allowed to pass and, with goodwill on both sides, explain what fear each one feels, analyze between them whether it is founded or not, try to find solutions, etc. In matters of jealousy, the person who suffers from them is the one who must solve their self-esteem problem, but it is interesting that the other party helps them and shows goodwill.
3. Discussions On Social Networks
Also related to the above, there are discussions about the use of social networks: comments to other people, photographs that are displayed, etc. Here it is important to make it clear that everyone has their own space in which they are free to act as they wish. But we must not forget that, depending on the "agreement" between the two, there are actions that can upset the couple. It's about calibrating and choosing. That is, a person is free to compliment another on a social network; Depending on whether the couple has a tacit agreement not to do this or not, the person must decide if they do it knowing that it may upset their partner, stop doing it, try to convince them that there is nothing wrong with it, etc. The fundamental thing, as in everything, is to speak it openly and coldly.
4. Discussions About How We Dress
Sometimes discussions also arise because of the way of dressing: sometimes some clothing is considered excessively provocative, other times another way of dressing is considered careless... How to avoid this? Basically, we must communicate what our own tastes are and listen to what the other person wants to contribute to us. If what it tells us makes sense to us and we want to incorporate it, we can modify our clothing somewhat. If it doesn't make sense, the other person will have to compromise and not try to change us. Throughout this entire stage, many aspects are put to the test and as a result, the courtship continues or is interrupted.
5. Most Common Discussions In The Stages Of Coexistence And Self-affirmation
Later in the relationship, it is possible to ask questions such as " why do I argue so much with my partner " and think that couple arguments are frequent. In this advanced stage of a relationship, discussions about the most important aspects of coexistence and day-to-day life with our partner appear:
6. Discussions About In-laws
Discussions about relations with the in-laws are one of the most common. In these cases, it is important to establish to what extent each one is going to be involved with their in-laws and establish limits. It is necessary not to meddle too much in the affairs of the in-laws if this does not affect us directly and can harm our partner, and we must not let them meddle in our affairs either. It is a delicate matter, but with kindness and firmness, we can not be annoyed or offended or be annoyed or offended. And, if this does not happen, we will not argue with our partner.
7. Housework
Another usual discussion is the well-known one of the distribution of domestic tasks. This is solvable with a talk with written conclusions. Tasks are divided and assigned according to each house because each work situation and couple is different. Once established, it must be fulfilled and the discussion is over! Showing goodwill by doing what the other person hates the most, if it is not also our case, is a good step.
8. The Time We Spend With Friends
A discussion that, depending on the couple, could be in almost any phase, is that of going out with friends. Some people do not take this well at all and it becomes a problem. It is important to have your own space and be able to do what you want as long as you do not disrespect your partner, so this should simply be made clear. Whether it's going out, doing yoga, or playing soccer, whether it's done with friends or alone, you have the right to your own space and it's healthy. That the couple also does it is just as healthy for both one and the other.
If you wonder how to avoid a discussion of this type, the answer is easy: the solution to avoid it is to speak coldly and ask what problems our partner has to bother to maintain their own space. In general, he usually responds to self-esteem problems that, coincidentally, he improves by doing various activities alone and in a group.
9. Arguments Over Money
A discussion that usually appears in this phase is about money. It can be for many reasons: because one earns more than the other (it generally bothers the man that the woman earns more), because one spends common money without consulting, because of how common money is managed, etc. As the solution to almost everything, the most important thing is to make everyone's position clear from the beginning, at a time when there is no anger, and defend our idea, negotiating what is reasonable to reach an agreement.
These are the most common arguments between couples, but if you have a partner, you will know that living together is an inexhaustible source of arguments. Remember, always be honest and talk about everything coldly.