Thursday, December 29, 2022

How To Reconcile With My Spouse After An Argument

Arguments and fights can be more or less frequent in a couple, but what is clear is that nobody likes them and they leave bad feelings, damaging the relationship. The reasons why you start arguing or fighting in a relationship can be the most varied, and it may even start with nonsense and end up talking about feelings that you had saved and the discussion worsens at times. 

The truth is that when a situation like this begins, it is best to know how to stop in time to relax the atmosphere and, once the heads and emotions become colder or more serene, then speak respectfully and as calmly as possible about the situation.

If things have reached the point of ending an important argument or even fighting hard and you haven't spoken for hours or even days, you probably want to know how you can deal with the situation to solve it. Follow these tips if you wonder how to reconcile with your spouse after a strong fight or argument?

1. Close The Discussion: Make sure that you have both decided to close the discussion before you start looking for ways to forgive each other or move on, as this previous step is vital to ensure that neither of you is going to bring up the subject again in form of a fight or argument, but you decide to go ahead and bring it up in calmer conversations to find a solution together. Once you are both willing to do so, you can move forward, otherwise, you will easily argue again.

2. Getting Closer: Something also very important is to start talking instead of shouting and fighting you get closer because in this way you can talk more calmly and it is much easier to give way to hugs, caresses and kisses, and sincere reconciliation.

3. Body Language: Keep in mind that your body language is open, calm, willing, and affectionate. Also, pay attention to your partner's body language, because this way you will really know if you are improving the relationship and reconciling or if there is something that is stopping the progress in your communication and you have to take a step back to improve later.

4. Ask For Forgiveness And Accept Apologies: When the time comes, it is very important that you sincerely apologize to your partner for the part of the blame that you have in the discussion, and assume the part that corresponds to you. It is also just as important that he accepts his part of the blame since the discussions are usually due to a problem between two, he asks for your forgiveness and that you truly accept it. Especially if the argument has been over something of little importance, what is more important, love or pride?

5. Talk About The Immediate Future: To successfully reconcile with your partner at this point you must think about a future together, but it is best to start slowly and think and talk about the near future. You can meet for dinner one day this week, go to the movies or even have a romantic getaway over the weekend, everything will depend on how you feel at all times.

6. Celebrate The Reconciliation: Last but not least, when you have really reconciled and you feel like a couple with a future again and you are happy to have achieved it, do not forget to celebrate it! Reconciliation in bed and daily, without a doubt, is the perfect way to end this time of discussion and reconciliation process.

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